A real uproar broke out after the shocking statements of the grillino Nicola Morra, president of the anti-mafia commission of the governor of the Calabria region Jole Santelli, who died on October 15 after having fought against a very serious illness. Far from regretting what was said, the pentastellato has rather decided to play the role of victim.
After declaring to the microphones of Radio Capital that everyone knew the pathology of the President of Calabria, Morra had sentenced:“Humanly I have always respected the late Santelli, politically there was an abyss. But if the Calabrians liked this, it is democracy, everyone should be responsible for their choices: you were wrong, no one should help you, because you are great and great.” From here to the outbreak of a furious controversy it was a short step, with Rai rushing to cancel the participation of the president of the Antimafia commission in the television program. “Fifth title”, a fact that Morra immediately came to complain about on his Facebook page.
But that is not all. The exit from the grid naturally triggered the furious reaction of the center right. Antonio Tajani sided with what had been his party partner, lashed out harshly at Morra and demanded his resignation.“The president of the Antimafia cannot hold office. He continues to offend the memory of Jole santelli and that of all the sick who should not play elective roles. Every human being is indispensable to society! “wrote the vice president of Forza Italia on Twitter.
The resignation, however, is far from the thoughts of Nicola Morra, who instead considers himself a victim of the whole affair, although the colleague of the majority group Elena Bonetti, Minister of Equal Opportunities, expressed contrary opinions towards him. and the grillina Federica Dieni, who spoke about “very serious words” and distanced himself from his party partner.
“Today’s politics should talk about the Tallini trial, not invent one of Nicola MorraHowever, the president of the Antimafia commission complained, even speaking in the third person. “Everyone knew that Jole Santelli’s health conditions were particularly serious. Humanly, I have the greatest possible respect for the individual, but politically and electorally those who vote must be responsible for their choices.”, he reiterated, as reported by “LaPresse”. So, the sorry, but without resignation.“If I have offended someone’s sensitivity, I apologize immediately”Morra said, explaining that she never meant to offend someone’s sensibilities. The apologies were soon replaced, however, by a not-so-veiled attack on the center right. “This is what the center-right wants, of which Forza Italia belongs, which has a problem with the mafia in its DNA”, has incredibly claimed the grillino. “We must not play their game but remain united, because only then can we seriously fight against the ‘Ndrangheta from Parliament.”
“This is the country of hypocrisy and whitewashed graves in which perhaps someone, doing a public service, believes that the president of the Anti-Mafia commission instead of being severely scrutinized by journalists should simply be excluded from participating in a broadcast.“she whimpered this morning talking to the show”general“Apparently, the issue of Rai’s cancellation hasn’t really been resolved. “The public service can easily interview Totò Riina’s son, Salvatore Buzzi, but the president of the Antimafia commission cannot be criticized by journalists”Morra continued without shame. “Even what happened yesterday I think is a strategy episode, because when you get upset, our thing, the ‘Ndranghetra have taught us that we must get dirty, muddy, gradually delegitimize “. Still: “I am stunned by what has happened, because if you go and listen to the words that I said again, not through the cutting and sewing that someone did, you will understand the meaning of my thought “. Regarding Santelli disease: “We all have the right to compete in any electoral contest, however if I have, I don’t know, cirrhosis of the liver, I could probably die from problems related to cirrhosis of the liver.”“The governor did not have to give up running, he said, but “As this was notorious, now we should not be scandalized if now we have to vote again.”
In short, all against him. The president of the Antimafia commission is convinced of this and explained how his request for resignation “I would like many“. Regarding Domenico Tallini, president of the regional council of Calabria arrested in recent days, the representative of the 5Stelle Movement said:”If the parliamentary commission places Tallini among the unpresentable and the late Governor Santelli defines Tallini as an upright administrator and provocatively places him at the head of Calabria’s regional council, well, there are some problems.“.
The former deputy prime minister and leader of the League responded immediately to Nicola Morra Matteo salvini: “Someone who gets angry with cancer patients, with a valuable woman who has unfortunately disappeared, with Calabrians and millions of Italians does not bother the mafia, he is simply an idiot.”