“More than 60 percent positive belongs to the South American community”


spice – “With respect to the area between Via Aldo Ferrari, Viale Giovanni Amendola, Viale Garibaldi and via Fiume Nord in the city of La Spezia, limited by order No. 59 of the Liguria Region and confirmed by order No. 60, the Region has The intention of specifying that this area, corresponding to Cap 19122, was identified as “connotes a special criticality from the epidemiological follow-up carried out by Alisa”, a follow-up that revealed a greater spread of the infection compared to the rest of the city. necessary to intervene to ensure compliance with the interpersonal safety distance of 1 meter. ”This was announced by the Liguria Region in a note.

In particular -continues by Region-, the choice of this area occurred as a result of the tracking activity that revealed the presence in that area of ​​the largest number of cases identified in La Spezia, with an incidence, from the beginning of the cluster, twice as many as in other areas of the city. The follow-up data shows that more than 60% of the positive cases in La Spezia belong to the South American community. ”
