More than 5 thousand infections, but the school will not close: “if my son does not go to class, how do I work?” – School News


The number of coronavirus infections is increasing: more than 5,000 in a single day, with 28 deaths and a new record for swabs. In France it has even reached 20,000, a figure that was not reached even in the first wave of Covid-19.

The increase raises fears of new bans and closures. Even schools. The Minister of Education maintains that, however, for the moment, there is no danger of this happening. And that, of course, behaviors are more important, especially outside of school.

Seven months ago it was different

Even if the trend is for more restrictions, the school remains outside. The script is different from that of the beginning of spring: “if seven months ago one of the first interventions was in the school, today the school is one of the pillars from which the government wants to save emergency shutdown”, Writes the Ansa.

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The school, in addition, is closely linked to the world of production and work: “if my son does not go to class, how am I going to work?”, Said a majority parliamentarian.

“Returning to the total closure would mean overturning, again and at the dawn of the budget law, the government’s plans for the difficult recovery in 2021. And it is a disorder that the country cannot afford. This, in the premier’s strategy, does not imply that the health factor is secondary ”.

They deserve more responsibility and collaboration

The challenge of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte “It is to find adequate the intertwining of restrictive measures to avoid the emergency shutdown at the same time, leaving the Regions a wide autonomy but only in a restrictive sense ”, thus applying more rigid rules. “And it is a joint that, without a constant reminder of the responsibility of Italians, cannot succeed.”

too the Head of State, Sergio Mattarella, has this certainty: in a conversation in the Quirinale with the Greek president Katerina Sakellaropoulou, the president said that freedom is not an exclusively individual fact, but is achieved together with others, which requires responsibility and collaboration.

The Greek president, it was learned, during the meeting quoted Mattarella’s phrase addressed to Boris Johnson: “We love freedom but we also love seriousness.”

Turi: too much confusion

Trade unionists seem less optimistic. “Difficult situations in schools are growing significantly. These are days full of concerned requests from staff, from families in a confusion of contradictory messages that increase suspicions, ”he said. Pino Turi, Secretary General of Uil Scuola, requesting the Ministry of Education to provide, with a fixed frequency, the monitoring numbers that have been activated in schools to provide real-time data.

Meanwhile, with positive cases spreading, school leaders fear that any responsibility will fall on them. The criminal shield that they had requested and which had been provided by an amendment, was never introduced.

Udir: the Government intervenes

The Udir union threatens to strike: “Infections among young people are increasing and the situation within the Institutes runs the risk of becoming unmanageable. The government must intervene with a clear rule in the next budget law before the end of the month, ”he said. Marcello Pacifico, union president.

Serafín: and the criminal shield?

Pure Paola Serafin, head of the school leaders of the Cisl Scuola, argues that the principals wish that the criminal shield could attend with less concern the daily cases of contagion of Convid-19 in their schools: “Obviously there was no political will to approve it.

Fanfarillo: do not download in schools

Roberta Fanfarillo speaks for Flc-Cgil, according to which “the manager who puts into practice the indications of the CTS and ISS regarding the development of infection prevention and management measures, may believe that he has fulfilled all his responsibilities related to contagion.”

According to Fanfarillo “what the directors are asking today is greater coordination with the ASL prevention departments: many times the obligations that the ISS assigns to the ASL are usually downloaded to the schools and those responsible for the schools.”

The fear of going back to dad

However, everyone rejects the idea of ​​returning to distance education unless a new and feared lockdown is foreseen. “Integrated teaching must remain an extreme option, we cannot transform it into ordinary ones”, he says. the general secretary of the Flc-Cgil, Francesco Sinopoli.

An option, however, that in the face of an expansion of Covid-19 cases would once again represent the only tool (with all the limitations it contains) to keep teachers alive with their students.
