more than 20 thousand with the virus, the peak of current positives. And the shelters start to rise again


ANCONA – The day the Marches return to the yellow zone, after three weeks of severe restrictions, more than 20 thousand Marches test positive for Sars-Cov-2. 97% of the infected population (19,458) are in home isolation and only 600 at this time (+10 compared to Saturday) need hospital treatment. The “milestone” of 20,000 positives currently in the Marche region was surpassed yesterday with another 443 confirmed cases in 1,718 people submitted to the first molecular smear, with a positive participation of 26.8% slightly lower than the previous days.

April peak
With the cases of the last round of tests, the Marche region with an active infection amounted to 20,058, those at the beginning of the epidemic to 32,393. The peak of “current positives” in phase 1 of the epidemic, reached on April 7, was 3,738, but in the spring almost only subjects with fever and cough were swabbed, so no asymptomatic cases had emerged. that in November for example, they were 84% of the total of approximately 16 thousand.
Yesterday’s Health Service bulletin recorded a total of 3,792 swabs tested: 2,424 in the new diagnostic pathway (including 706 in screening with the antigenic pathway) and 1,368 in the cured pathway. As for the “rapid” tests, of the 706 people examined, only 10 positive cases emerged, to be subjected now to molecular swabbing. Yesterday the province with the most cases was Ancona with 115, followed by Pesaro Urbino with 92, Macerata with 82, Fermo with 63 and Ascoli with 57, while 37 positives are from outside the region.

Contacts at risk
Regarding the mode of contagion, most of the new infections are derived from close contacts of positive subjects (134 cases) and in the family environment (94), while in 52 cases the diagnosis was made from the symptoms. There were 23 infections in the workplace, 22 by contacts in the school environment, 14 positive that still derive from fun or social environments.
Yesterday, after four consecutive days of decreasing numbers, admissions for Covid in Marche have risen again, from 590 to 600 despite the high number of discharges, 30 in the last 24 hours. However, patients in intensive care (which unfortunately are also affected by deaths) decreased from 84 to 82, while both patients in the semi-intensive area (from 133 to 138, +5) and those in non-intensive wards increased (373 to 380, +7). The positives seen in the emergency room, not counted in the number of hospitalizations, rose from 20 to 27, while guests from territorial structures such as RSA remained stable at 264. Patients at the Covid Center in Civitanova also remained unchanged, yesterday in 61 between semi-intensive and non-intensive intensive care. The total number of discharged and cured also continues to grow: yesterday another 70, more than 11 thousand since the beginning of the epidemic.

The index in the security zone
The trend of hospitalizations, now that the Rt index of infection transmission has returned to the security area (0.74 in the last monitoring of the Ministry of Health and the ISS) is the data to keep under control. In last Friday’s report, updated to November 29 statistics, Covid patient employment rates weighed for Brands. Both the total beds in intensive care (from 46% to 44%) and that of the medical area, which went from 47% to 49%, were still parked above the alert threshold. For this reason, if the likelihood assessment (linked to the spread of infections) remained “low” for Brands, the impact on health services was confirmed as “high”, with an overall risk rating confirmed for Brands “moderate with high probability of progression to high risk”.
The next control room report will assess Covid’s pressure on the Marche healthcare system based on yesterday’s data, which improved compared to the previous report: 600 total hospitalizations (vs 683 on Nov 29) .82 in intensive care (3 less)

The curve of death
Unfortunately, the death curve continues to rise, following a lagging trend compared to infections between 2 and 3 weeks. Yesterday, the Health Service bulletin registered another 10 victims, seven men and three women, between 64 and 94 years old. Among them a patient who arrived from Teramo to the San Benedetto hospital, died from the virus at the age of 76 although he did not present other pathologies. The total of deaths in Marche rose to 1,337.


