More students at home, without shops and offices, closed the limits of the municipalities: this is the “red zone” in Piedmont


If it’s not closed, we’re close. On Friday Piedmont will focus the third consecutive week of high risk for the spread of the coronavirus. Translated, it means the almost complete closure of activities as of Thursday. Most of the shops, schools, but also museums and all non-essential offices will be closed as in March, and even the possibility of moving outside the municipality will be limited to essential reasons.

Scenario 4, the one with Rt now constantly above 1.5 (here we are at 2.16 from last week) and the health system in trouble, has been reached and the automatic transition to restrictions is contained in the Dpcm that will launch the Prime Minister Conte. increasingly difficult for the most critical areas. Starting with the school that could happen remotely, even if the government is still debating whether to keep attendance at kindergartens, elementary schools and sixth grade schools.

Otherwise, Piedmont has asked the government to guarantee parental leave from work to parents forced to stay home with their children. Business activities, starting with bars, restaurants and shops, could be closed for the next two weeks. Compared to spring, only factories would be spared from closure, so as not to further exacerbate the already dramatic economic crisis.

“We had asked for national measures and in part they listened to us, although the provisions for all regions will not have particular effects in Piedmont, where many measures have already been taken,” explains President Alberto Cirio, who has already imposed, for example, the closure of shopping centers on weekends and the capacity to 50 percent of the public transport. “On the main restrictions, we are waiting to know what measures will be activated automatically in high-risk areas. We know that the calculations to identify these areas will be made based on the latest data from the epidemic.”

Piedmont has been among the regions with the worst prospects for days – although the activation of the new beds could reduce the final risk coefficient, despite the high Rt – and the document published in October by the Ministry of Health and the El Istituto Superiore di Sanità leaves little room for negotiation: “Generalized restrictions – we read – with extension and duration to be defined with respect to the epidemiological scenario. In case of localized restrictions, mobility limitations to and from the affected areas”. And again: “Schools closed, with activation of distance education.”

And it is precisely on this last point that the discussion focuses. Cirio has already organized distance education for secondary schools since yesterday, but the debate now also touches primary and secondary schools: “The image of the new Dpcm is not yet clear, from what it seems that if a Region, based in parameters to be chosen by the government, if it falls into the red zone it could suspend teaching in the presence of all, ”confirms the director of the school’s regional office, Fabrizio Manca.
