More money to pay for additional teacher and ATA services. Unions and management agree


“OO.SS and Administration share the need to improve all school personnel, with special reference to the DSGAs, with the aim of recognizing the great commitments provided by the training offer plans and organizational plans to face the 2020/2021 school year to the measures to prevent the risk of contagion related to the epidemiological emergency due to COVID 19 “

This is what we read in the text of the joint declaration signed by the unions Flc Cgil, Uil, Snals, Cisl and Jacopo Greco for the public part.

The parties also agree that the resources allocated by Legislative Decree 104/2020 are used to remunerate the additional services of the personnel, including DSGA, of the delegated schools for the activities of support to the offices for the procedures related to the validation of GPS and for other fulfillments provided for in the aforementioned decree law and related application provisions“They conclude.
