
Save the last wedding of the year with contributions to husbands and damaged operators, exemptions or new security measures. The ceiling of 30 invited to the weddings scheduled by the last Dpcm You risk dealing the final blow to the Italian wedding system that has been painstakingly attempting a minimal recovery in recent months. Yesterday Regions and the operators have appealed to the premier Giuseppe Conte and to the ministers of health Roberto Speranza and the Regions, Francesco Boccia, to provide contributions to spouses and operators who have been harmed by the restriction of the number of participants in the celebrations and above all so that at least this week’s events that are already underway, can be expected. Proposals that nevertheless find the operators of the sector divided, which this year lost 87% of the Italian turnover, calculated at 10 billion euros a year, and 100% of the almost 10,000 foreign weddings that were celebrated in 2019.
On how to possibly correct the rule, on Monday at the Conference of the Regions, the President of Liguria proposed a safeguard clause explaining that “weddings are parties that are organized well in advance, there must be a safeguard clause that allows both people to recover the money that they anticipated, both from the locals and the musicians to have compensation, that is why we have requested the opening of a very urgent table with the government. ”Attention to weddings also by the Venetian Zaia, who highlights : “Who has already organized the wedding for next Saturday and Sunday, how can you reduce the guests out of nowhere?”
New Dpcm: what can and cannot be done
Dpcm, the 6 guest limit is split: here are the new rules for “sanitizing” parties
The same request for derogation comes from Serena Ranieri, president of Federmep, an association of professionals and companies for weddings and private events, who writes in a note that “more than five thousand ceremonies will be scheduled during the next weekend, between weddings, communions , baptisms. Events that will be canceled or limited to a few close friends, throwing newlyweds and other celebrities into chaos and despair. Hundreds of thousands of euros of perishable products will be thrown away “and asks the government” for an exemption for scheduled events, providing for strict controls by the competent authorities and refreshments for the ceremonies that will be canceled. “Michele Boccardi, president of Assoeventi, a trade association within Confindustria, is not up to the election of the government, which also rejects a possible safeguard contribution for “not solving the problem that is being created.” And he explains to the Messaggero the proposal that Boccia brings to the ministers and Speranza.
The proposal
“The sector has an urgent need to be able to work in this last period of the year, at least to be able to face part of the expenses that, in any case, have accumulated. The 30-person ceiling, ”continues Boccardi,“ doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t take into account the size of the rooms. Instead, we want to relaunch by asking to continue working regularly in this period proposing to increase the security of our events, taking the distance meter that is considered the most important prevention measure to double, two meters compared to the current meter, in addition to all the other measures already in progress “.
Crowded buses and subways, the government: staggered schedules for schools and offices
In the fight against the coronavirus there is what experts call “system failure”: stations, buses, subways, commuter trains full of passengers. Without the required spacing. And this despite the requirement, reaffirmed by the new Dpcm, of a capacity not exceeding 80%.
Last updated: 08:33