More controls, selective closures or lockdowns: Italy and Conte at the crossroads of the Coronavirus, towards the new decree


More controls, selective closures or lockdowns. Italy and Conte for Wednesday at the crossroads of the Coronavirus. Local close to close at 24, close to nightlife but everything will depend on the infections. A few days ago, a dossier signed by experts from the Ministry of Health arrived at the table of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. Today at 4 in the afternoon, the premier met with the heads of delegation, while tomorrow there will be an urgent meeting of the Scientific Technical Committee, in which the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza must also participate. Our partner newspaper reveals in detail: “The Government and the Regions will have to choose which path to follow before October 15, when the new Dpcm will be launched. The technicians have outlined an action plan with three scenarios to follow depending on the evolution of the Coronavirus infection (here the newsletter of October 10). The severity of the countermeasures that are taken will depend on the famous Rt index, which is the number that indicates how many other people an infected individual can infect. The higher this figure, the stricter the anti-Covid regulations will be. The government’s declared goal is to avoid at all costs a lockout like the one in March, which brought the country’s economy to its knees. An objective that will be achievable only if Sars-Cov-2 has a limited extension ”. Hourly suspensions, selective closures or generalized closures. In the confidential document of the Scientific Technical Committee, the measures that can be taken in the next Conte decree of October 15 depending on the evolution of infections.

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