More controls in Cagliari, but no curfew. Appeal to youth: “Play by the rules”


New meeting of the Provincial Commission of Order and Public Safety of the Prefecture dedicated to the emergency due to coronavirus in Cagliari.

It was chaired this morning by the prefect Gianfranco Tomao, who convened, by videoconference, the mayor of Cagliari Paolo Truzzu, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, the Cestor, the commanders of the different police forces, the extraordinary administrator of the province of South Sardinia , the director of the Spresal Service and the head of the Public Health and Hygiene Service of the Ats, as well as the general director of the Regional Civil Protection.

The objective of the summit, reads a note issued by the Prefecture, “to carry out a joint examination on the implementation of the additional containment measures provided for in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of October 18, 2020”.

In particular – adds the press release – the participants shared the need to develop a synergistic intervention strategy, aimed at ensuring timely compliance with containment measures against the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the territory, especially on the streets or squares of the centers. urban areas where, more frequently, there is a more intense influx of people ”.

The participants, it is stressed, agreed that in the territory there is “substantial compliance with the requirements imposed to prevent the spread of infection.”

It is still necessary to “hold citizens responsible” for the anti-contagion regulations, but the Committee currently excludes “the need to adopt a trade union measure for the interdiction, after 9 pm, of certain urban areas, where we tend to witness aggregation phenomena at night, like the historic districts of Cagliari “.

That is to say: for now, there is no curfew in the so-called nightlife areas. But controls will be tightened, as well as “information and persuasion activity aimed at all citizens and, in particular, at young people who go to the busiest areas in search of entertainment, with the aim of drawing attention to respect of anti-Covid-19 provisions “.

That is why it is expected in the “hot” areas of the city, a greater presence of the police, also willing to punish those who fail.

Finally, the call to the young prefect and mayor “to comply with the established norms to prevent the spread of the virus. That is to say:” always keep an adequate distance, wear masks and wash their hands frequently, to protect themselves and their relatives from consequences that they could be very serious. “

(Unioneonline / lf)
