
The emergency room closes, at least for less serious patients Dell ‘San Gerardo Hospital from Monza. The drastic decision comes after the weekend that just ended in which they met 450 hospitalized patients for Covid in the structure, of which 43 in intensive care. Others 95 I am in the hospital in Desio which is also part of the Monza Asst (territorial social health company). To these we must also add the 10 hospital beds Milan Fair managed by Monza Asst. An increase in cases This does not stop if one takes into account that just five days ago at San Gerardo de Monza there were 408 patients, 31 of whom were in intensive care. The situation here is worrying: the province is at the center of the second Covid wave, along with Milan me Varese, and it was only on Saturday, November 7, that the number of new positives in 24 hours reached a level 1,638. “I’ve already asked – says the CEO of Asst Mario Alparone – to the Lombardy Region the activation of external forces, such as military and Civil Protection. Meanwhile we have acquired 45 community nurses and 34 nurses with fixed-term procedures, in addition to full rotation of nurses and Oss ”. And since Sunday the decision was made to temporarily suspend the admission of non-serious patients in the emergency room.
There are 340 positive Covid health workers
The hospital is experiencing severe pressure these days also because 340 health workers are forced to return home because they test positive. “The ability – adds the director Alparone – to keep a hospital active depends on the balance between the entrances and exits of patients. Balance a week ago commitment by two factors. The first depends on the fact that the transfers of patients that were previously absorbed by the other hospitals in Brianza have now disappeared and it is urgent that more transfers be activated even to hospitals less affected by ours. The second depends on the fact that we have an extraordinary number of positive operators, about 340 because now we are the epicenter of the pandemic. “And then the director makes an appeal to the other hospitals in Lombardy:”I hope to be supported as we have supported others in phase one.“.
The nurses union: reinforcements also from abroad
There is also a cry for help from the nurses’ union: “Let’s get reinforcements even from abroad: alone we can’t do it anymore, in San Gerardo we are collapsing”, is the appeal launched by Donato Cosi, Secretary Nursind from Monza. On Fanpage.it the mayor Dario Allevi He explained that Monza is in the vortex of the Covid along with Milan because “our city has always been closely linked to the Lombard capital. What happens in Milan also happens in Monza. It is enough to think that hundreds of workers and citizens to the Lombard capital traveling in metro and train. If infections increase in Milan, therefore, they also increase here. “
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