Andrea Cionci
Once upon a time, “dissident” priests often held progressive or unorthodox positions. With Francis, the opposite occurs: the rebellion of bishops, priests and monks faithful to the Catholic magisterium and often united by not recognizing him as Pope. Many cite the puzzling revelations of the Belgian primate Godfried Danneels (who died in 2019), who in his autobiography cited the “St. Gallen Mafia” – a group of ultra-progressive cardinals (of which he was a part), who were striving to position themselves in the throne of Peter. a modernist, and his champion was only Bergoglio. The biography, never translated into Italian, has not been denied by the Vatican. The same says a book by Francesco’s biographer, Austen Ivereigh, which talks about “Team Bergoglio.” Detail: there would be the “Universi dominici gregis”, Wojtyla’s apostolic constitution that excommunicates the authors of pre-conclave maneuvers: excommunicated cardinals, invalid conclave. Furthermore, Bergoglio’s departures are considered by many heretical and since the Pope gets his authority only as guardian of the faith, Polish Archbishop Jan P. Lenga has left the “heretical usurper” Francis without remorse after concluding that he was spreading ” lies and sins “. Bishop René H. Gracida, bishop emeritus of Texas, doubts from the first day of Ratzinger’s resignation. The emeritus bishop of Ferrara, Mons. Luigi negri stated: “Benedict XVI has been under enormous pressure to resign.” More recently, the archbishop Carlo Maria ViganòFrom exile, he defined Bergoglio as the agent of an antichrist power, placed on Peter’s throne by the “deep church” to sustain the New World Order. Viganò agrees with the well-known theologian Mons. Antonio Livi, recently deceased, for whom Bergoglio had been chosen with a well-orchestrated plan that even started from Vatican II: “For more than fifty years, heretical and evil theologians have tried to power, and now they do. They have achieved “.
Among the priests, Don Alessandro Minutella who, with two doctorates in theology, reiterates, arguing daily on the Facebook channel “Radio Domina Nostra” (45,000 followers), how Bergoglio is a usurper, apostate and heretic. He has been excommunicated twice, (one record): both for heresy, but he follows the Catechism in a slavish way, and for schism, since he declares himself faithful to Benedict. He is the most persecuted at the legal and media level: first harassed and defamed, today ostracized. However, more and more religious, Vatican and scholars are approaching its conclusions. With Don Minutella, Don Enrico Roncaglia who recalls: «Bergoglio himself declared that he was not the Vicar of Christ. What else is needed? “And Don Enrico Bernasconi for whom:” Freemasonry has taken over the Church and most Catholics do not realize it, or are indifferent. ” Don Ruben Martinez Cordero cites the intervention of Obama-Clinton to paralyze the finances of the Vatican until the resignation of Ratzinger: “You have to be blind or very naive to think that Bergoglio is the Pope.” Don Paulo Dornelles, doctor of canon law, is caustic: «Bergoglio is not a bad Pope: he is an antipope, a conscious defender of heresy and apostasy. They illegally elected him to destroy what was left of the Catholic Church, and he is doing it thanks to the cowardice of bishops and priests and with the Boeotian collusion of millions of faithful.
Among the friars, the Franciscan Alexis Bugnolo, jumped to the news for having highlighted errors and inconsistencies in Benedict’s Declaratio di resign. The Scottish hermits, Father Stephen De Kredek, Sister Colette Roberts, and Friar Damon Kelly, were excommunicated on similar charges. The last one is Don Fabio Ragusa, severely suspended a few days ago for having challenged Bergoglio’s “personal opinions” in favor of civil unions, as opposed to Catholic doctrine, as the Holy See itself reiterated. If the “exits” are not ignored by the hierarchies and the mainstream media, they pose as madmen or “traditionalists” exits. Theologians in prestigious positions ended their careers; who has been suspended is desperate; the excommunicated have lost everything: parishes, salary, reputation. It costs a lot to go against the “new course”, but almost everyone repeats: “It is not we who have left the Church, it is the Church that has left itself.”