‘Money for healthcare can be found in other ways. First doses of vaccine already in December »- Corriere.it


Giuseppe Conte talks about the Month again. After the tug of war of the last two days (and the controversies with the Democratic Party secretary Nicola Zingaretti), the Prime Minister explains: “We can find the money we need for healthcare in another way too. The Month is a debt. If we need it, it means that we will increase the deficit“. The premier presents his opinion to Bruno Vespa for the book “Why Italy loved Mussolini (and how it resisted the Covid dictatorship)”, which will be released on October 29 by Mondadori Rai Libri. Vespa asks whether to take the Month Italy would look bad as until now no other country has taken it. «I have never excluded access to the Month. These political decisions are made at the majority table after extensive discussion. Just say one contribution to de-ideologize this issue. I don’t have my own evaluation. “

Fear of stigma

Conte clarifies what his main concern is when questioning an authoritative figure. «I objectively acknowledge that the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco He said that since no one takes the Month, there would be a stigma for those who ask for it. I don’t know how to quantify this stigma. I cannot predict the reactions of the financial markets ”. Would they react well or badly? “The Sure (the European fund to finance layoffs) takes everyone. The month no. If we were the only ones to take it, this would trigger an attention signal towards Italy ”, concludes Conte.

“First doses of the vaccine in December”

The prime minister also talks about the pandemic and announces: “If the last stages of preparation (the so-called ‘moving value’ of Oxford-Irbm Pomezia-Astrazeneca vaccine ) will be completed in the next few weeks, the first doses will be available early December. At the beginning we will have the first two or three million doses. Millions more will come to us soon after. The European Commission has ordered Astrazeneca and other companies several hundred million doses. I think that to fully contain the pandemic we will have to wait until next spring anyway.

The M5S sides with Conte

In support of the position taken by the Prime Minister on the money from the Save States Fund, intervenes the 5 Star Movement with a publication on the Blog of the Stars. “The truth is that nobody wants the ESM because it is an inappropriate and risky tool. And President Giuseppe Conte is under attack just for having recalled, in response to a specific question, a fact that is there for all to see. In short, as Conte correctly said, the Month is not the “panacea”. THE there is money for health care and there will be more and more in the future, because the era of cuts to essential public services is over. It is up to the Regions to spend them as well as possible and as soon as possible.

Criticisms of Forza Italia

But criticism from the opposition reaches the Month. The parent company of Forza Italia in the Senate, Anna Maria Bernini, continues to attack: “While the health emergency unfortunately grows, from the government and the majority it would be legitimate to expect a confrontation on concrete things. Instead we witness a daily life of accusations and counter-accusations which inevitably leads to the postponement of problems and especially solutions. After the useless general states of Conte, now the grillini general states wait to decide on the month, and Old formulas such as the legislative pact are used to put a temporary patch to the divisions. In short, we are navigating at first glance into a dramatic crisis that would instead require solid and authoritative guidance. ‘

October 20, 2020 (change October 20, 2020 | 12:26)

