The new president of the United States Joe biden, not yet recognized by the outgoing president Donald trump, speaks officially to the Nation from the stage of Wilmington, Delaware, and clarifies what will be his first “unofficial” act as head of the White House: “On Monday I will present a working group of scientists against COVID-19. The plan will be built on the foundation of science and compassion, empathy and concern. “The nightmare words come true for Trump, who had challenged Biden’s desire to” lock the country “in the fight against the coronavirus. And words that are dangerously reminiscent, for Americans, of the emphasis between the bureaucratic and the Christian democrat Giuseppe Conte. It is not the best viaticum for the next crucial months.
“People have spoken – said Biden -, ours was a clear victory with 75 million votes, the highest number of votes a ballot has ever obtained. ” As usual, the new president, however, tried to unite, not divide. On the other hand, the country is a powder keg and the legal war that Trump wants to unleash is not going to cheer up. the weather. “There are no blue states and red states – said the democratic president -. There is only the United States. Let’s give each other a chance by helping each other. “Perhaps it will be the most difficult challenge
Source: Vista Agency / Alexander Jakhnagiev