Molly, the story of the girl born from a frozen embryo 27 years ago


Born last October, Molly Everette Gibson was born thanks to a frozen embryo 27 years ago, a year and a half after the birth of the woman who carried her during pregnancy, Tina. It’s a real world record – it happened in Tennessee and the news was reported by several American newspapers

Her name is Molly Everette Gibson and she was born last October, despite being technically “younger” than her mother, only 18 months. The little girl, in fact, was born thanks to a frozen embryo 27 years ago, a year and a half after the birth of the woman who carried her during her pregnancy, Tina. The curious story, a real world record, took place in Tennessee and was reported by several American newspapers, which explained how Molly’s birth broke another previous record, which always belongs to the same adoptive couple, that there was another embryo, dating From 1992, he was born in 2017, namely that of the twin sister of little Molly.

Tina Gibson’s story


He obtained a three-week embryo model thanks to stem cells

“We are on the moon, I’m still out of breath. If someone had told me five years ago that I would not have one but two children, I would have called them crazy,” Gibson said, beaming in the New York Post. Tina is an elementary school teacher and her husband, 36, is a cybersecurity expert: They have been married for ten years and tried to have a natural pregnancy for five years before relying on the experts at the National Embryo Donation Center. (NEDC). Knoxville non-profit association that collects so-called “orphans” embryos, that is, those that parents choose not to use in assisted fertilization programs. With this in mind, interested families can opt for a “closed” adoption, in which they know nothing about the biological parents, or even an “open” one, in which they come into direct contact. However, according to the more than a thousand pregnancies obtained by the association, only the two involving the Gibson sisters were carried out by embryos so dated.

The “orphan” embryos in Italy

Even in Italy, as Arianna Pacchiarotti, head of the PMA at the San Filippo Neri hospital in Rome and a professor at La Sapienza University explains, there are embryos that have been preserved for so long, but it would be impossible to “adopt” them. “The reasons why they are orphaned are many. The main one is that couples manage to get pregnant and therefore decide not to have the other embryos obtained from assisted fertilization techniques implanted, perhaps because they are already there with age ”, he pointed out. “In Italy there are probably thousands, but the law does not allow them to be adopted, at least they should be taken to a single center to protect them more, because now they are ‘dispersed’ in all PMA centers of the country, and it can happen that a center closes , or it is sold, “he explained again. According to the expert, it is not surprising that an embryo, after about 30 years, is still capable of giving rise to a pregnancy.” The embryos that are selected to be cryopreserved are the vital ones , that have no problem if they are stored correctly and it is possible that they ‘resist’ even more ”, concluded Pacchiarotti.
