All crazy about the new ones cousin, but for many of the incentives that have found space in maneuver we will have to wait for him implementing decrees. Outcome? Anyone planning to cash out the water or smartphone voucher in January, just to give a couple of examples, will be disappointed. Take the new car voucher for low-income people, which entitles you to a 40% discount on the list price in the event of purchasing an electric car for nuclei with an Isee that does not exceed 30 thousand euros. The modalities for the disbursement of the contribution must be defined by a specific decree of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Mef, which will probably not be ready before the end of the month. Therefore, the discount will be out of limit at least until February. But this is just one of many late 2021 bonuses. The problem is that these are not self-enforcing rules, and since there are no penalties for late-coming decrees, often the time to collect the “aid” is Be more Beyond credibility, just think about how it fared with the TFS for the state, the victim of an administrative way of the cross that delayed the launch of the Dpcm that authorized its issuance for a year.
READ ALSO Car Incentives, Scrapping, and Bonuses. But the revision will cost more
Much has been said about the smartphone bonus in the face of the digital divide that will benefit the nuclei with Isee inferior in this case to 20 thousand euros. The state mobile phone will be loaned free for one year to a single applicant family member, but will not be delivered before March. If it goes well, if so, the times will be respected to the minute. The so-called digitization kit provided for by the maneuver, to become operational, also requires a decree, this time from the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Innovation, that within 60 days following the date of entry into force of the Law on Budgets are called establishing the procedures to access the incentive.
Another slow motion bonus? The one for water that is giving away up to a thousand euros, to be allocated by December 31 of this year to the cost of replacing taps and sanitary taps with flow limiters. A decree from the Environment Ministry is expected by the end of February to clarify the methods for accessing what everyone already calls bonus taps. Better arm yourself with patience. Still. The glasses voucher has the value of a voucher of € 50 that will be converted into a discount at the time of purchase. The discount is not only for the purchase of corrective glasses, but can also be requested in the case of the purchase of contact lenses.
The incentive is aimed at taxpayers with an Isee family income of less than 10,000 euros. However, the voucher still cannot be touched: the amendment that included the contribution in the maneuver refers to a decree of the Ministry of Health, which will be issued in consultation with the Ministry, for the definition of the criteria for recognition and allocation of the glasses bonus 2021. of the Economy. In summary, January will be the target month for bonuses introduced by the Budget law. Those who expected to receive the state smartphone already these days or get a discount of 50 euros on new glasses will do well to put their souls at peace. But the examples of laziness bonuses don’t end there. Incentive you want, ministerial decree to wait: the maneuver allocates another 100 million euros to favor the renewal or replacement of televisions (the TV voucher) that do not receive programs broadcast with new technologies. The paragraph dedicated to the operational procedures for the implementation of the provision establishes that a decree of the Ministry of Economic Development is adopted within 45 days, in accordance with that of Economy.
The new mobile voucher is also on stand-by (the spending ceiling has been raised from 10,000 to 16,000 euros) since the procedures to access it require precise indications from the Tax Agency. The good news instead is that some malus will also be delayed because they lack the necessary decrees to make them take flight. The car inspection, for example, from this year will cost more: the increase is almost 10 euros (9.95 to be exact) and will affect both those who go to the private centers affiliated with the vehicle inspection and on who prefer to contact directly with the civil motorization. However, it is possible to dodge the increase as long as you rush. To become operational, the increase requires a decree from the Ministry of Transport, which will not arrive before the end of the month.
Last updated: 22:13