Mister Carpisa Lello Carlino positive for Covid: “Impressive ease of contagion, I think the virus comes from young people”


“Could a positive person like me test negative for Covid 19? I preferred to announce my positivity because there were too many rumors. But I’m fine.” Lello Carlino, patron of Carpisa and president of women’s football at Napoli, has not lost the usual good humor. Carlino revealed yesterday on Facebook that he is positive for Coronavirus. A post that has elicited thousands of responses from his fans, all of whom agree to show their solidarity. «Don’t worry, everything happens, you are always a rock», is Stefania’s message. As Emma writes: “Making it public is worthy of esteem.” And Carlino thanks everyone “for the love and the many messages received. I’m fine, very good, logically in strict quarantine. I love you. “On the phone from his home, the owner of Carpisa tells the story that led him to carry out the test.« I have been in quarantine for 10 days – explains Carlino – and it seemed right to communicate it. I am always sincere and I am not afraid of Say it. There’s nothing to hide. “

Did you get a swab on your return from vacation?
“I was on vacation in Sardinia but never went to the Billionaire or other places. I was armored on a ship with my family. We never had afternoons, except the little ones, who sometimes went around. He is asymptomatic. Upon my return I thought it was appropriate to do a swab. To speed things up, I went to a private individual. Ten days ago I got the result. Since then I have been in quarantine at home with my family.

Did you just take a swab in a private lab?
«Last Monday I also did the ASL swab but I don’t know the result. Officially I’m still not sure. If I hadn’t had a swab from a private individual, I wouldn’t be quarantined now. He had the symptoms, with fever and cough. In any case, I recommend everyone to take the test. Many things are known about the Coronavirus but not where it comes from ”.

Did you expect to get the result quickly?
“The doctors were very nice. I have nothing to complain about the attendance levels. Al Frullone are very good. I have also been there with the women’s team. I wish I had known the results of the swab a little earlier. But I’m not complaining. If I test positive on the second test, the quarantine starts again on Monday. What I have noticed is that this virus has an impressive ease of transmission. I think the virus comes from the young, who are all asymptomatic and can infect all the elderly. As for me, in general, the quarantine is going well. I hope the doctors who say that we are now in a less invasive phase are right. But you can never say never. Berlusconi docet. He was first asymptomatic and then found himself in San Raffaele. But the worst moment seems to have passed. Fortunately, I didn’t infect the team because I haven’t seen the players for a month. And the same goes for the company. Do you know what weighs on me right now?

I’m sorry I can’t follow the team, but I’ll think about it after the break. We will have 3 weeks off. The team is not complete now because there are three positive players in Covid 19. A while ago a friend from Bari called me who was crying for me. But I got rid of the thought. I just want to tell everyone that tampons need to be made. ‘

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