The coordinator of the scientific-technical committee warns about the danger not yet escaped by the coronavirus: “To eradicate it, it would take two months of harsh confinement.”

“Restaurants open? Only with the army on guard” – A nightly reopening of the premises “would also be possible if we could only guarantee a rigorous control mechanism, something that has not been the case so far,” Agostino Miozzo continues. “Imagine what can happen if the restaurants reopen at night in Navigli or Trastevere, but there is also another Italy that cannot be penalized,” he says. “I have attracted the ire of many local administrators who have taken on the responsibility of the lack of control for the concentrations. But that is what I would ask the government: effective control of the territory at least for the next two or three months, with the contribution of the Army, the forces of order, the local police that are already doing an extraordinary job … It is enough to see a uniform that acts in risky places to avoid irresponsible behavior “.

“Blocking the most effective therapy against the pandemic” – “The most effective therapy”, against the coronavirus, “would be a total blockade for another two months”, but “we cannot afford this therapy: the country suffers seriously with millions of people in a state of absolute precariousness and the government is not capable to meet the needs “. Regarding movement between regions, Miozzo assures that he is “absolutely” in an extension of the blockade “at least until the impact of the variants of the virus is clear. Mobility could be a dramatic vehicle of transmission.”

“Draghi takes national control” – “I will suggest to President Draghi the use of Article 120 of the Constitution, which provides for the power of substitution of the central government when the local authorities are not in a position to guarantee the rights provided for constitutionally,” says Agostino Miozzo. “A provocative hypothesis but that I think could be taken into consideration for some aspects of national strategies that affect the health of the country – he says -. At school, we have seen incomprehensible choices made by the territory in absolute disconnection with the system and now we see them like so many photographs about a strategic program for the country such as vaccinations ”.