Ministry of the Interior: the mask is also mandatory for motor activity outdoors


Even those who do physical activity outdoors must wear a mask. The Interior Ministry writes in a circular signed yesterday afternoon by Chief of Staff Bruno Frattasi with which clarifications are given to the prefects about the decree law approved on October 7. The provision that provides for the use of the mask “exempts from the obligation of use – writes Frattasi – only those who have sports activity in progress and not the motor, not exempt, however, from the obligation in question.”

In the drafts of the decree circulated in recent days it was written that the obligation to wear the mask was exempted from “those who are doing sports or motor activities” but in the text published in the Gazzetta the exemption was only for those who do sports.

According to the definition of the Ministry of Health, the “motor activity“Indicates physical activity, or” any movement determined by the musculoskeletal system that results in an energy expenditure greater than that of resting conditions. “sport activity “It includes structured competitive situations and subject to very specific rules.” So the circular implies that those who choose to run in the park must wear a mask.

The government convenes the control room with the Regions The Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia has summoned the control room with the Regions and local authorities for tomorrow to take stock with the governors and representatives of the territories on the measures that will enter the new Dpcm.

Di Maio: the first doses of the vaccine by the end of the year

“Thanks to the agreement with the University of Oxford, by the end of the year we will have the first doses of the vaccine. And we have to overcome and from the beginning of next year we will begin vaccinations,” said the chancellor. Luigi di maio, guest of Half an hour more in Rai Tre. “In February – added the minister – we were not absolutely prepared, we had nothing, not even as a production chain. Now we have a country that may have dysfunctions, but it has equipped itself and has shown that it is capable of dealing with the emergency. A country that should not be too hard on itself. Intensive care is equipped. “



Covid, the government leaves football, alcohol until 9pm and quarantine reduced to 10 days
