prompt the draft plan developed by the experts of the Ministry of Health for the vaccine against Covid (27 million doses planned for Italy). It is also improving with a reflection with the regions, but in the next few days the minister will give notice, said Gianni Rezza during the press conference on the weekly monitoring data. The indications, we learn, are of order doctor starting from the categories to be subjected to vaccination as a priority.
Organization and logistics
About the organization and logistics, from transport to dose storage centers, will deal more specifically with the elements provided by the Ministry of Health, as already established by Commissioner Arcuri. There is some cold chain problem for the Covid vaccine distribution, but it was known and it was not found that the ministry was not prepared for these aspects of logistics. Now him job what will be done with Bows allow to have an adequate mechanism of distribution keeping in mind that there are other vaccines that are also to come (here the piece on how the vaccine works and the plan to distribute it). They are investing in different vaccination platforms to have more vaccines available, said Franco Locatelli, president of the Superior Health Council.
Who gets it first?
To receive the doses immediately you must one million 700 thousand citizens, which will be chosen based on a series of categories identified according to their fragility and possible exposure to the virus. As has already been indicated on several occasions by all the experts and by the government itself, at the top of the list will be the osubjugated health, to begin with the protection of the most exposed professional category, the Old people (starting with the most fragile hospitalized in the RSA) and people whose health is more precarious like me Chronically ill. The last will be the Young people.
Meanwhile, Covid emergency commissioner Domenico Bows on Saturday he asked all the Regions to inspect the logistics of the anticovid vaccines. We ask the health authorities to provide it to us before Monday, said the president of the Liguria region, Giovanni Toti. The plan will also determine how many there may be regional vaccine storage centers, even more than one depending on the size and territorial needs. The question storage temperature was immediately seen as a topic critical but it will not be secondary to verify the availability in the territory of the medical and health resources to inoculate the vaccine.
The conservation issue
The anti-Covid vaccine that has been reported to be effective, the Pfizer / BionTech mRna vaccine, raises a particular issue in terms of the supply chain precisely because of the need to maintain temperature significantly lower than those of other vaccines, that is, at -75 / -80 degrees. Well, I repeat in very clear letters: a problem that has already been managed and considered in advance, as well known. Franco assured him Locatelli, President of the Superior Council of Health.
The country, the ministry, was not found to be unprepared in these aspects of logistics – he stressed – We have already started talking with the professor. Ironbrush, with Dr. Magrini, therefore with the Higher Institute of Health and the Italian Medicines Agency, and now certainly the work that will be carried out under the coordination of the Commissioner Bows They allow to have an adequate distribution mechanism. Taking into account – specified Locatelli – that then there are there are other vaccines to come and absolutely important is the strategy conceived by our country together with other leading countries of the European Community, that is, investing in different vaccination platforms also to have a greater number of vaccines to distribute and be willing to favor one platform over another, in based on future needs.
Vaccination centers
When the first doses arrive, no particular problems are expected: the doctors of vaccination centers they will be the first to take roll. Then you will have to expand the team of vaccinators most likely family doctors. The vaccination plan in GB has already provided them with a system of financial incentives to speed up the process as much as possible. Meanwhile, in Veneto the plan already exists: the Pfizer vaccine will be distributed at the end of January.
(Ansa and online writing)