Minister Speranza: “Christmas, January 26 and 1, movements are prohibited even between municipalities. First doses of vaccine in January “


The summary is this: the third wave is just around the corner, rigor is needed. this is how Minister Roberto Speranza summarizes it in his communications to Palazzo Madama. After all, he explains, “we are aware of the sacrifices.”

he asked with the government’s measures “but without it it would have been difficult to keep the curve under control and the health service would not hold.” The RT has fallen from 1.7 to 1.08 in 4 weeks and everything should confirm that it will continue to fall. “I am confident – adds the minister – that the index will soon fall below 1 and this is essential to control the infection.” But until this happens, rigor is needed to deal with the emergency. Of course, the first signs of “stabilization of people are there,” he explains, but sacrifices are necessary for maintenance. «The wave – admits the minister – is still very high, so be careful not to exchange a first ray of sunlight with a narrow escapement. Let’s not get our hopes up, if we let our guard down, the third wave is just around the corner. Precisely for these reasons, says Roberto Speranza “it is necessary as far as possible to limit unnecessary contacts between people.”

Coronavirus, Esperanza: “Let’s not lower our guard: travel ban even between municipalities on 25, 26 and New Year’s Eve”

During the Christmas holidays, therefore, “interregional travel should be discouraged and travel between municipalities is also limited.” A severe measure, “so as not to waste the” heritage “conquered to date”. The government’s goal, in fact, is to round the curve without a general lockdown. “The experience of recent weeks – adds the minister – tells us that the choice of a model based on degrees of risk seems to be capable of flattening the contagion curve without blocking. The situation, however, is serious and cannot be underestimated. ‘

Coronavirus, hope: “At the end of the year, first authorizations for vaccines in the EU. More than 20 thousand health workers employed for the vaccination campaign”

Hence the crux of vaccines. The strongest lever that the international community expects to stop the coronavirus. An increasingly within reach perspective, so much so that Minister Speranza says, “that the first bottles of the serum will arrive in January. The purchase will be centralized and centralized, and the distribution will be carried out with the participation of the military. The anti Covid serum will be delivered free to all Italians.

Coronavirus, hope: “Free vaccines for all from January: first vaccinated health workers and RSA”

Two doses are likely to be needed for each vaccine, Italy has opted for 202 million doses. ‘ The vaccine, as Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte anticipated in recent days, will not be mandatory but the goal remains to achieve herd immunity as soon as possible. The first to receive it will be social and health workers, RSA residents and the elderly. To date, however, Ema has set two dates: the end of December for the Pfizer vaccine and January 12 for the Moderna vaccine: our country will have 8 million doses of Pfizer and 1,346 thousand doses of Moderna. The heart of the vaccination campaign according to forecasts will be between next spring and summer.
