“Let’s reduce our shirts to avoid worse problems.” Hope goes straight to the point: given what is happening in Europe, explains the Minister of Health, we must intervene with new measures to keep the contagion curve at bay. The Dpcm is close to the goal, it will “probably” see the light tonight: it is about how the meeting with the Regions scheduled for the afternoon will end, which will have to deal with the thorniest chapter: the hypothesis of putting limits on movements between different areas of the country. The picture of the new limitations has already come to light, yesterday it ended up on the table of the national scientific committee that completed it with the …
“Let’s reduce our shirts to avoid worse problems.” Hope goes straight to the point: given what is happening in Europe, explains the Minister of Health, we must intervene with new measures to maintain contagion curve. the Dpcm is close to the goal, it will “probably” see the light tonight: it is about how the meeting with the Regions scheduled for the afternoon will end, which will have to deal with the thorniest chapter: the hypothesis of putting limits on displacements between the different areas of the Country.
The image of the new limitations has already come to light, yesterday it ended up on the table of the national scientific committee that completed it with the regulations on diagnoses such as the 10-day quarantine and quick swabs, now it is only a matter of filing them: to the prime minister I have the task to find a mediation between the requests of the penalizers and those of the opening agents. To untie the knot of private parties. “I have proposed an absolute ban on homes and clubs,” explains the Minister of Health, a leader of the hardliners of Covid. “We keep children safe in schools, where we have invested because they are essential, but not outside.” Hence the grip, about which the Count himself would have more than one doubt, like the minister Renzi Bellanova.
“The state cannot enter private homes. I consider it a sacrosanct principle,” argues the prime minister. Speranza is aware of this and in fact entrusts himself to the “responsibility of the citizens”, but he also announces a strengthening of controls to ensure compliance with the measures. In addition to the stop to contact sports that so many stomachaches create inside and outside the government, a great battlefront is linked to spectacles; The working document (denied by the Ministry of Health) speaks of a maximum of 100 spectators, but a government source explains that the text remains fixed at 200.
The massive return of smart-working is certain: it had never faded, but with the new Dpcm it should return to a very high level, between 70 and 75%, concentrated above all in the Public Administration. He confirmed the closure of bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries at midnight as well as the ban on parking in front of the premises after 9pm and the spacing of tables, on which Interior Minister Lamorgese insists: “I saw it in the outdoor bars Tables close together. The owners are more careful, we need responsibility. We will strengthen the police controls. ”The crackdown also affects post-ceremony banquets, which can be attended by a maximum of 30 people.
The transport issue must be resolved, not only with regard to travel between regions, but above all with regard to public transport capacity. In short: there is still more than a doubt to dispel linked to a package of rules much more complex than the net of confinement. “We cannot afford another one”, warns Luigi Di Maio (M5). But if the trend of infections requires it, specific blocks are not excluded. “It is among the hypotheses in the field whether there should be situations of extreme difficulty – admits Speranza – but at the moment there are no such situations in Italy”.
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