Millions of damage to crops in the Verona area “We now live in a tropical climate …


Millions, how many remain to be quantified, of damages. Kneeling crops.

Among the consequences of the wave of bad weather that hit Verona and the province for a week, are those offarming.

Underwater crops, trees and vineyards uprooted, fruit thrown to the ground, anti-hail plants destroyed, greenhouses and barns discovered.

«Our technicians are working to assess the damage, help the farms and be able to activate the inspections of Avepa, Agency for payments in agriculture, of the Veneto Region. The analysis will take days for the many affected areas and for possible other episodes of bad weather ”, explains Giuseppe Ruffini, director of Coldiretti Verona.

Coldiretti explicitly speaks of “tropicalization of the climate, with violent demonstrations, seasonal delays, scarce and intense rains and the rapid transition from the sun to bad weather, with important temperature changes that compromise crops in the field with costs exceeding 14,000 million euros in a decade ”.

2020 has so far been more than one degree (+1.01 degrees) higher than the historical average, ranking in Italy at 4th hottest since 1800, based on Coldiretti’s analysis of Isac Cnr.
