Milleproroghe Decree, the terms of the state of emergency are postponed until March 1


Milleproroghe Decree, the terms of the state of emergency are postponed until March 1

As every year, at the end of December the so-called decree arrives Milleproroghe, in which the government concentrates measures to postpone more or less short legislative terms. The measure could be approved in cabinet scheduled for tomorrow afternoon: this year has a special significance because it also includes the postponement of some deadlines related to the emergency COVID-19.

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The text, which is still in a provisional version, includes, among others, the postponement of the deadlines for recruitment and competitions in the Palestinian Authority, the one year for the examination of the suitability of the driving license and the regulations regarding the elections municipal. Alitalia companies in extraordinary administration will have six more months, until June 30 of next year, to repay the public loan of 400 million granted at the end of last year. Other innovations concern the health issue: for example, the change at the end of next year of the deadline for the Regions’ use of Covid hotels.

Article 18 expands the terms related to the epidemiological state of emergency of Covid-19 en bloc, referring to an annex for the specific list. The postponement is “until the date of cessation of the state of emergency and, in any case, no later than March 1, 2021”. Among the provisions for which an extension is foreseen is the one relating to the suspension of the sending of tax collection and liquidation folders.

Last updated: 15:22

