Milan, this is where to get a flu shot


The flu vaccination campaign is taking shape. The first doses will be administered from mid-October and “4,999 family doctors have already been incorporated and 528 municipalities have made more than 700 places available to support operations.” This was announced by the Councilor for Welfare of the Lombardy Region, Giulio Gallera.

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“Our Ats have drawn up territorial operational plans – continued the commissioner – in continuous evolution, finding a strong adhesion on the part of family doctors. It starts from the second half of October with fragile patients and pregnant women. Those over 65 November, followed by health workers and children up to the sixth year, finally healthy people over 60. Vaccinations will be carried out in their professional offices, when possible, in the ASST vaccination centers and in the spaces (civic centers, speakers, etc., etc.) made available by the Municipalities to support the activities of health workers in compliance with anti-Covid regulations ”.

Where the vaccines will be administered

In the city of Milan, some hub centers have been identified such as the Baggio Military Hospital, with staff from the Asst Santi Paolo e Carlo, the Sacco Hospital and the Center in via Ricordi thanks to the Ast Fatebenefratelli in collaboration with doctors. general area, the Villa Marelli clinic managed by Asst Niguarda and a tensioned structure in Piazza Duomo, right in front of the Palazzo Reale with the staff of Asst Nord Milano.

In the rest of the municipalities of the metropolitan area of ​​Milan, 97 municipalities have been added, which have made 161 additional facilities available, “with the possibility of organizing specific vaccination days for the target audience,” Gallera said.

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“For this vaccination campaign – concluded the commissioner – we bought 80 percent of the doses more than last year. These are innovative products, with very high protection for the most fragile and guests of the Rsa, quadrivalent vaccines for those over 60 and health workers and spray doses for children “.
