Milan, the cases of positive students to the coronavirus are already 439 in Lombard schools


“Swabs with direct access for the school-age population are only possible with self-certification endorsed by the school or with prior notification to the family doctor or pediatrician.” This is specified by the Councilor for Welfare of the Lombardy Region, underlining the provisions of the anti-covid guidelines for the school sector, disseminated to the Ats and, from these, to all institutions of all types and levels.

“In case of flu-like symptoms or suspected coviditis during school activities – explains the commissioner – the student’s family is contacted and a self-certification form authorized by the institution is issued to be delivered to the health center where swabbing is performed with direct access. The document authorizes only the student and not the whole family to perform the swab without reservations. “

“If on the contrary – the Councilor for Wellbeing continues – after detecting the temperature or the appearance of suspicious symptoms found in the home, the family of the young person of school age should contact the doctor or family pediatrician who, having verified the necessity of having to carry out the swab, we proceed to inform and send the student to the nearest direct access point ”.

Same procedures for students and teachers

The same procedures also apply to teachers and non-teaching school personnel. Those who took the time, waiting for the result, must remain isolated. On the other hand, contacts of suspected cases linked to the school environment and child care services should not be placed in fiduciary home isolation: this applies both to family members living together and to classmates or other close contacts .

If students are positive, isolation measures are taken for the entire class (if the interested party has attended school in the last 48 hours) and for family members and direct contacts during the quarantine period established by the anti-covid protocols. End of course. in which a swab is made in the contacts to check the negativity and two swabs in the positive case to verify the negativity.

Cases of positivity from the beginning of school

“From September 1 to 18 -explains the Councilor for Social Welfare- 30,257 swabs were made to children and young people of school age (40.14 for children in early childhood education, 5,644 for kindergartens, 6,654 for primary schools, 4,235 for and 9,710 for secondary schools) A total of 439 positivity was found, equivalent to 1.45% (69 for nursery schools, 71 for kindergartens, 92 for primary schools, 66 for first-grade secondary schools and 439 for primary schools. second grade high schools) “.

“From the beginning of the pandemic (February) to September 18, however – Gallera continues – 104,918 swabs were performed on school-age children (18,354 for pre-school children, 15,070 for kindergartens, 22,380 for primary schools, 14,963 for lower secondary and 34,251 for upper secondary schools), with 2,091 positivity equal to 1.99 percent (332 for kindergarten children, 232 for kindergarten, 429 for primary school, 289 for school first grade secondary and 809 for upper secondary) “.

In Milan 27 positive students

There are 27 positive students for the coronavirus identified by Milan Ats since the beginning of the teaching activity until September 20. To the 27 positive students are added six operators with the same diagnosis. A total of 435 people ended up in isolation: 420 students and 15 operators, according to the Ats Metropolitan City of Milan in a note.

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Of the 33 positives, it was explained, 3 are from the province of Lodi, 14 from the city of Milan and 16 from the province of Milan. The same Ats has announced that as of September 29, every Tuesday, a weekly newsletter will be sent with an update of the data from the previous week.

The first school strike is already planned
