Milan, rules for spacing in public transport change: placeholder stamps are removed


A new revolution in sight for Milanese public transport pending the publication of the government’s Dpcm that will modify, once again, theand rules of social distancing on board buses, subways, trams and trains. After pressure from the Municipality and the Region to expand capacity to 80 percent of totalInstead of the current 65 percent, the ATM has started making changes with the removal of red spots from floors of their means and the prohibitions to sit in the seats.

Dispense in the underground mezzanines

To understand when the vehicle will be full to its new limit, the metro turnstiles will be reestablished while for buses and trams, the respective drivers will decide when to close the doors to prevent passengers from getting on. Here then is that in public transport you no longer have to respect the placeholder to take a position. Inside the subway stations, then, were sanitizer gel dispensers installed. All citizens and passengers are invited to use it to minimize the possible spread of the Covid infection. This novelty could soon land on buses too. As reported by the Republic, the ATM is thinking of installing at least a couple of dispensers aboard the trolleybuses of line 90/91.

Mandatory mask and closed front door on surface vehicles

However, the rules on the use of the mask will not change, they will remain mandatory, as long as a public transport courier is used. The Milanese transport company will carry out an ad hoc communication campaign to remember everyone. No change even in access and exit in the underground mezzanines, which will remain separate to avoid sudden crowding of passengers. Access to surface vehicles will also remain unchanged: the entrance gate will remain closed and you will be able to board the various buses and trams. only of the two rear doors.
