Four cases of positive swabs for Covid-19 in schools in Milan. They refer to a primary school, a kindergarten, a nursery school, and a nursery school, respectively. Thus, the isolation of the classes attended by the children who tested positive was arranged. The news was announced by the Health Protection Agency of the metropolitan city of Milan. In the case of the nursery, the educator was also isolated. These are the first effects of the protocol between the Lombardy Region and pediatricians for the analysis and the result of the Covid swab in 24 hours.
Coronavirus in Lombardy, the bulletin of September 15: the percentage of positives compared to swabs decreases
Throughout the province, on the recommendation of pediatricians, another ten children who presented symptoms were registered and that is why they did not go to school yesterday. Meanwhile, there are 176 new cases of coronavirus in Lombardy in the last 24 hours. Only in the province of Milan, there are ninety, more than half (that is, 46) refer to the perimeter of the capital of the city.