L ‘epidemic it bites fiercely and the government runs for cover. It is accelerating, compared to the calendar initially set for Sunday, November 8, when the national closure could be decreed, which will only save factories, companies, offices, kindergartens and elementary schools, if the contagion curve continues its dramatic escalation.
Tomorrow, after going to Parliament to illustrate the new measures – guaranteeing the involvement requested by Quirinale, the majority and the opposition – Giuseppe Conte a new one will be released at night Dpcm. The closure of the borders of the Regions with the highest risk (or of all the Regions) is being studied to avoid the spread of the infection, but the CTS has rejected it («best provincial interventions) and therefore this hypothesis should disappear. Possible closure of some activities, such as hairdressers, beauty centers and reduction of the opening hours of stores. In addition to the introduction of distance learning also for middle schools and more resources for Covid-Hospitals.
Not only. Today, in a meeting between the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia, the governors, the representatives of municipalities and provinces, it could be decided to establish “selective red zones” in the cities or areas most affected by the virus such as Milan, Naples. Genoa, Turin and part of the northeast. The imperative: “Stop the contagion.”
Acceleration is decided on a long summit at Palazzo Chigi, which started at lunchtime and ended after almost five hours. Conte, the ministers Roberto Speranza (Health), Dario Franceschini (Culture), Alfonso Bonafede (Justice), Teresa Bellanova (Agriculture), Boccia and the emergency commissioner Domenico Arcuri listen to the weekly report illustrated by the coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee (Cts ), Agostino Miozzo, the president of the Higher Health Council Franco Locatelli and the head of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro. The experts throw on the plate the alarming data of the last week and demand, for “the uncontrolled spread of the virus”, “urgent measures”. In fact, they are calling for a new repression one week after the launch of the last Dpcm, that of the closure at 6 in the afternoon of bars and restaurants and with cinemas, theaters, gyms, amateur sports blocked for Covid. And that is already old.
Once the report is presented, the meeting turns political. We do not anticipate the emergency shutdown National team: “We are waiting to see if the measures implemented seven days ago will have the desired effects,” contends Conte with the support of Bonafede and Bellanova. But it was decided to follow the advice of experts who suggested “selective land closures.” Red areas, in short. More perhaps the barrier of some (Lombardy, Piedmont, Campania, Liguria, Aosta Valley, Bolzano province) or of all regional borders. But the CTS will have to give certain indications based on the risk index ”, is the agreement. And the Committee rejects the last option at night.
ALSO READ -> 2-3 week local closures in Milan and Naples: Monday the dpcm. School, eighth grade dad hypothesis
Speranza requests the urgent convocation of the Committee, convened to express the sentence of blockade for cities such as Milan, Turin, Naples, Genoa and their metropolitan areas. But other areas could also be banned.
Meanwhile, Conte with the heads of delegation establishes the calendar of the next movements. This morning the meeting between Boccia, Speranza and the representatives of the local authorities. In the early afternoon, a new summit of heads of delegation that at five o’clock will be extended to the leaders of the majority group. But especially Conte on Monday, as agreed with the presidents of the House and Senate, will illustrate the measures at 12 in Montecitorio and at 17 in Palazzo Madama. And only later, at night, will the green light reach the Dpcm.
The new grip marks an escalation and the prime minister, at the suggestion of the Quirinal and under pressure from the Democratic Party, tries to involve the opposition. Hence a round of phone calls with Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni and Antonio Tajani to invite them “to indicate their representatives, in order to establish” from today “a permanent discussion table with the government. The response of the three leaders is far from be encouraging: “The government now speculates with a” control room “. The repentance seems belated” and aims to try to involve the opposition in the wrong decisions of the government. “From the series: We do not put our face in the new grip .
Paolo Gentiloni is convinced of the need for a new grip: “It is inevitable to reach drastic decisions with the effort to safeguard some aspects of our social life such as work and the educational system, especially for young people,” he said at the “Festival dell ‘optimism’ of “Il Foglio” the European commissioner.
Lockdown for hairdressers and beauticians: new hours for commercial activities
Small openings to reduce contact
The hypothesis on the table follows what has already happened in bars, restaurants and patisseries. In fact, commercial activity could be affected by a reduction in the working day closing at 6:00 p.m. All this to avoid, as happened with the catering services, that in the afternoon people end up crowding the entrances of the facilities or, worse still, aboard public transport in which it has been very difficult to guarantee adequate space. However, as also happened in March, the measure does not seem to affect the resale of food products such as supermarkets. Therefore, it will be possible to continue shopping normally, subject to regional limitations, there is a curfew.
Stop at hair salons and barbers.
Total closure for hairdressers and beauty centers. Within Dpcm, which will have to pass the scrutiny of Parliament, the Regions and the CTS and therefore could undergo changes, it seems that the total blockade will also find space for all activities that deal with personal care. Like the different betting centers, bingo halls, cinemas and theaters, hairdressers will no longer be considered essential. For the moment they had only been saved through the rigid protocols established in the first confinement that, numbers in hand, seem to have allowed the activities to be carried out without causing any outbreak. However, with Rt rates so high, it is necessary to limit movements.
Resources for Covid Hospital
After months in which probably very little has been done to adapt existing hospitals to the new needs dictated by the health emergency, with the explosion of infections, Covid hospitals have returned to the center of political discussion. These are those structures that have been converted and ‘isolated’ to house only patients who have tested positive for the virus. More funds are needed to make the transition possible, just think that yesterday the Piedmont region alone transformed 16 hospitals. It is not clear what the size of the resources could be, what is certain is that the funds are needed and how.
A cordon is evaluated for regions in crisis
On the government table there is also a ban on crossing regional borders (except for work or health reasons). In all probability, the measure will not fully affect the Peninsula, but it will be imposed gradually in some regions taking into account the data available at this time. The countries most at risk at the moment due to a particularly worrying virus transmission rate are Lombardy, Campania, Liguria, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta and the autonomous province of Bolzano. Special observers, however, in a situation considered slightly better, also Lazio and Tuscany who could therefore be affected by the provision only at a later time.
Last update: 00:45