Lombardy becomes the yellow zone as of Sunday, December 13, with the change of zone more than 51 thousand restaurants, bars, pizzerias, as well as farms located in Lombardy reopen, after more than a month of closure that caused a estimated loss of turnover of at least one billion euros. This is what Coldiretti says in reference to the ordinance signed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, which takes Lombardy to the yellow zone as of Sunday, December 13.
What changes with the arrival of the yellow zone
Lombardy – explains Coldiretti – is the Italian region with the largest number of places for consuming food and beverages outside the home. At the provincial level, the first territory is Milan with more than 18 thousand businesses, followed by Brescia with about 7 thousand, Bergamo with more than 5 thousand, Varese with almost 4,000 thousand stores, Monza and Brianza with more than 3 thousand, Pavia and Como with around 3,000, Mantua with about 2,000, Cremona with 1,700, Lecco with about 1,400, Sondrio with 1,100 and finally Lodi with just under 1,000 restaurants dedicated to catering.
However, the effects of the closure of the restaurant business – continues Coldiretti – have been felt in a cascade throughout the agri-food chain with the cancellation of orders for supplies of many products that find an important exit market in consumption away from home . To weigh -concludes Coldiretti- also the limitations to the more than a thousand agritourism companies with restoration activities that are in great difficulty this year due to the containment measures already adopted and the collapse of tourism.
Limitations on commercial activities – concludes Coldiretti – must therefore provide adequate and immediate financial support throughout the entire supply chain to save the economy and employment in a key Made in Italy sector.