Milan does not deserve a viability to laugh at


In the midst of a terrible pandemic, which is literally killing the population, the viability of Milan is making all of Italy laugh. On social media there is a flourishing of humorous posts showing unlikely stripes, which actually have neither head nor tail, designed on the ground so that ordinary traffic coexists with bicycles and scooters. This is not from Milan and the Milanese don’t deserve it. If there’s one thing that citizens of other Italian metropolises envy in Milan, and they don’t envy many, let’s face it, it’s the ability to plan and respond to operational needs. That pragmatic approach typical of workers, of those who grow up with a sense of living from what they produce.

All this, consecrated by the Expo, is today relaunched by its own champion who proposes a new vision, the 15-minute city: all sustainable and within reach or pedaling. Very beautiful. Designing a city must be exciting. On the contrary, converting a two thousand year old is a headache. Especially if the majority of those who work there live in external municipalities and get up an hour earlier, instead of changing their address. The pollution could be dealt with by replacing the old heating boilers, which have been restarted since mid-October and have again splattered fine dust rates. But politics, as we know, is the art of the possible: everyone stays where they are and works in Milan, just like the boilers. However, some strips are made on the ground, to reduce traffic and infuriate motorists. They will be the ones who, with the steering wheel in hand, are by definition wrong, the old one who resists, to act as a megaphone for the new one that will advance. When and if

In fact, right or wrong, one wonders if the time for the pandemic has come. The Milanese, who have already paid a very high rate of human life and suffering, are trying to keep things going anyway, with their proverbial industriousness. They just ask to be a little more secure. To be able to move inside their car, who can, to avoid public transport by themselves and relieve them for those who are forced to use them. It is against them that this campaign of stripes is launched, complicating life that they should simplify. Rebuilding a city takes decades. Why cruelly attack those who are already suffering from the health and economic crisis? Yes because? However, these did not arrive at Palazzo Marino with the lottery ticket, as in Rome or Turin. They know how to count. Sala took Expo hair when he looked doomed and literally turned it on 24 hours a day.

This pandemic may end, and it is to be expected, with those politicians who, fortunately or in their careers, are in the control room and have proven to be clearly inadequate. Even looking at those sitting in the waiting room, it doesn’t seem like there are any first-team champions. Next year the issue will occupy the country’s agenda and it will look at the few who have excelled in the minor leagues. Florence has already yielded, Naples is trying but with little chance, Emilia-Romagna and Veneto are eligible. But who says Milan can’t shoot? Above all with a visionary narrative, projected into the future as the elites want, who do not like to deal with boilers and public administration procedures.
