Milan and Lombardy data


The fight against the Coronavirus does not stop. As usual, Civil Protection released the data from Saturday, January 2, late in the afternoon: fewer tampons, fewer cases of contagion but more people in intensive care. Against 11,758 swabs, 1,402 new positive virus cases were detected throughout the Region (approximately half compared to the first of the year); the relationship between swabs performed and new positives is 11.92%. Between Milan and the interior of the country there are 596 people positive for the virus during the last 24 hours, of which 163 in the city of Milan.

There are twenty new accesses to intensive care units in Lombardy. The total number of occupied resuscitation beds has increased by four units: now 491 people with severe respiratory failure are hospitalized in regional hospitals. As for less serious hospitalizations, they decreased by 59 people, for a total that is already 3,293. A total of 3,784 people with SarsCov2 are in hospitals in the Region (55 fewer than on Friday).

The people healed in the last twenty-four hours are 626; In total, the Lombards recovered from Covid are now 401,444. Eventually, sadly, 78 people died. The sad total of Lombards who lost their lives and tested positive for Covid is now 25,281.

Covid Lombardy, is the yellow zone at risk?

However, the permanence of Lombardy in the yellow zone as of January 7, the day of the restart after the most restrictive measures of the Christmas period, is at risk. The final decision is scheduled for January 5, after the analysis of the national scientific technical committee.

Due to the Rt index equal to 1, Lombardy could start again in the orange zone. However, some numbers give hope: Covid deaths are declining. But the report of December 30, the last carried out by the technical-scientific committee, indicates for Lombardy (as for Veneto and Trento) a probability of more than 50% of entering the “critical occupancy threshold” for beds in therapy. intensive in thirty days: this could lead to a more cautious line, represented by the orange zone ”.
