Milan and Lombardy coronavirus bulletin today Wednesday, September 23, 2020


The fight against the coronavirus continues in Lombardy. On Wednesday, September 23, another 196 cases were detected throughout the Region (compared to 22,805 swabs). Between Milan and its interior, 96 other people were positive for the virus who arrived from China; In the shadow of the Madonnina, another 71 have been infected. The data were released by the Region through the usual bulletin.

In the past 24 hours, ICU admissions have decreased by one unit; throughout the Region there are 33 people in intensive care. The pressure continues to increase in the covid departments of health facilities: in a single day the number of beds occupied by patients has increased by 14 units for a total of 308. In the Region’s hospitals there are a total of 341 people affected by covid-19.

Today there were no deaths. The (official) balance remained stable at 16,925.

School: more than 30 thousand swabs, 400 students already positive

If students are positive, isolation measures are taken for the entire class (if the interested party has attended school in the last 48 hours) and for family members and direct contacts during the quarantine period established by the anti-covid protocols. End of course. in which a swab is made in the contacts to check the negativity and two swabs in the positive case to verify the negativity.

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“From September 1 to 18 – explains the Councilor for Social Welfare Giulio Gallera – 30,257 swabs were made to school-age children (40.14 for kindergarten children, 5,644 for kindergartens, 6,654 for primary schools, 4,235 for lower secondary schools and 9,710 for upper secondary schools.) A total of 439 positives were found, equivalent to 1.45% (69 for nursery schools, 71 for kindergartens, 92 for primary schools, 66 for schools). lower secondary schools and 141 for upper secondary schools), nursery schools, 22,380 for primary, 14,963 for lower secondary and 34,251 for upper secondary), with 2,091 positives equivalent to 1.99% (332 for nursery, 232 for childhood, 429 for elementary schools, 289 for first grade secondary schools and 809 for second grade secondary) “.
