Milan and Lombardy coronavirus bulletin today Tuesday, December 22, 2020


The number of swabs analyzed increases and the number of positive cases increases and (a situation that has not occurred for several days) hospital admissions have increased again. The coronavirus situation in Lombardy remains critical. On Tuesday, December 22, against 31,939 swabs, another 2,278 cases were found in the Region (1,328 more than yesterday); the relationship between swabs performed and new positives is 7.13%. Another 462 people positive for the virus were found between Milan and its interior. The data was disclosed by Civil Protection with the usual bulletin.

In the last 24 hours there have been 23 new admissions to intensive care in Lombardy. The total number of occupied resuscitation beds, however, decreased by 21 units compared to yesterday, between deceased and recovered patients: now 540 people with severe respiratory failure are hospitalized in the intensive care units of regional hospitals. Beds occupied by less seriously ill patients increased by 58 units to a total of 4,290. In hospitals in the region there are a total of 4,830 people with SarsCov2 (37 more than on Monday).

The people who have been negative in the last 24 hours are 2,356; in total, 374,434 people from Lombardy have recovered from the covid. The death trail caused by the virus is lengthening. In a single day, he killed 92 other people; the (official) total came to 24,512.

Gallera: Ats will test the 1,500 people who have returned from England

“The Lombardy ATS will proceed these days to contact to swab the 1,500 citizens who have declared to be in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland since last December 6. Those who have not yet completed the self-report will find the corresponding forms on the web portals of the same Health Protection Agencies ”. This was announced by the Councilor for Well-being of the Lombardy Region, Giulio Gallera, about the alert linked to the English variant discovered in Sars-Cov-2.

“After the online declaration – Gallera adds – the coordinates for the execution of the molecular assay, as well as the procedures for consulting the result, will be communicated directly to the interested parties.” “The indications – explains Gallera – remind the start-ups during the summer months for citizens who arrive or return from abroad. The screening is useful to identify and isolate any positivity and also to know if there is the presence (so far not detected) of the English variant of the Coronavirus ”. We invite all interested citizens, therefore – concludes the commissioner – to the maximum collaboration ”.
