Milan and Lombardy coronavirus bulletin Sunday, October 4


Another day of battle against the coronavirus on Sunday October 4 for Lombardy. As announced by Pirellone with the classic bulletin, published at 4.30 pm, the new positives are 314 out of 14,795 swabs with a new proportion of positive swabs of 2.1%, an increase over the last 24 hours. Among these, 48 are weakly positive.

The new healed and discharged are 133 and the number of hospitalizations in intensive care has been reduced by 3, which to date have 39 occupied beds. +3 hospitalizations in ordinary wards and another 2 deaths in the last 24 hours, with a total balance of 16,971.

In Milan and its province there are 160 new positives, 86 only under the Madonnina.

newsletter October 4-2

The Rt index in Lombardy

Meanwhile, the health ministry has analyzed the figures for the two weeks between September 10 and 23 and has published its classic report.

The Lombardy region has a contagion index, the RT that potentially indicates how many people a positive can infect, which stands at 0.86. Lombardy ranks fourth and last in Italy on the same level as Sardinia and only Emilia Romagna, Molise and Basilicata do better. In Italy, on the other hand, 12 regions have an Rt greater than 1, which is unanimously considered as the risk threshold that should not be exceeded.

“Well, however, it is necessary not to give up and continue with responsible behavior without ever lowering your guard,” said Pirellone. That is why we recommend the use of the mask according to current regulations, social distancing and frequent washing of hands”.

Photo – The ‘ranking’ with the ministry’s data

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covid-2 rt contagiousness index
