They probably stole sooner or later rolex me mobile phone to a retiree on the way Settembrini, and after a few minutes they killed Stefano Ansaldi, 65-year-old gynecologist from Benevento with study in Naples, with a stab in the naked. Killed by a robbery that ended badly around 6.30 p.m., the victim was walking on the corner of via Scarlatti Mauro macchi, below a scaffold of a building covered with plastic sheeting. The doctor was attacked a few dozen meters from the Central Station: fell to the ground, in a pool of blood, with a deep wound in the throat. The knife was found on the spot. He died quickly before the ambulance medics arrived. maybe Ansaldi occasionally he was in the Lombard capital.
Those responsible for the two assaults, the doctor and the retiree, are probably the same two people. the researchers At the moment they do not have incontrovertible elements to connect the two episodes, which nevertheless took place in the same area and a few minutes apart. THE carabinieri, write the Messenger Milan, I found the mobile phone of the pensioner on board the red subway, in a wagon a Bisceglie. They followed the phone signal, but couldn’t find the burglars. After the murder away Macchi had been partially closed, with the Scientific who conducted the surveys and the researchers who checked the cameras of the area, even those of shops closed, searching witnesses. In the same area in 2018 a Bengali citizen was killed by two Moroccans.
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Milan, 60 years old, assaulted and murdered on the street: he had a deep cut on his throat