He laughs, jokes, talks little about schemes and a lot about the virus, wants to comment on emergency management: “They kept the stadiums closed and then they filled the beaches. If Bonaccini wasn’t there, we kept cheering up. Was he brave? Yes. Because of his way of acting, he doesn’t even seem like a leftist … », the coach Rossoblù stings, recalling his support for the League against the governor, who instead now praises his decisive attitude.
“There is no logic in the management of Covid. Have you been to the Riviera? How many people were there? Was there a distancing? – Mihajlovic wonders -. A thousand fans in the stadium is as if there were no one, but it is better than nothing” .

Fenucci: “Ready to let 9,000 fans into the stadium”
For Bologna, the page is now turning, trying to erase from memory the last part of the championship, which ended badly: «Tomorrow we will start a long journey, hopefully with few stops and a straight path – the coach hopes -. The goal is to grow in every way. For the last championship I tried to find some excuses with Covid, but if this happens again this year, I make a mess. We can beat anyone if we play as we know how.
And on the stagnant market, embrace the prudent line of the company: «They are not for half measures. Either we really get stronger, or we kick out the young. Since we can’t go to Europe, let’s at least try to get it right with the new generation. It would be nice to be the youngest team in Italy, for me it is an extra boost ». Message sent to everyone, to Barrow (“he may be a top player”) and also to Orsolini (“I told him to wake up many times before saying it in public”). Tomorrow night for them the first test, against Ibrahimovic, the friend that Sinisa has never managed to convince.