Here is the new immigration decree. The text on the table of Prime Minister Conte
With a document signed by the commander of the Pozzallo Port Authority, Donato Zito and notified this morning to the commander of the ship Mediterranea Saving Humans, it is forbidden to approach rescue technicians who are essential to safely carry out any rescue operation at sea. migrants. Because – is the paradoxical reason – “their profiles do not influence the type of service that the Ionian Sea performs”.
Migrants, extraordinary repatriations are being carried out to Tunisia. More charter flights to return those arriving with autonomous landings
Like almost all humanitarian ships, the Ionian Sea is not registered as a search and rescue ship, but as a merchant ship with cargo, monitoring and surveillance functions, even if the Rina, the Italian naval registry, has recognized a notation in class like an equipped boat. for search and rescue. That the coast guard doesn’t recognize.
So here the boarding of the “technicians” Fabrizio Gatti and Georgios Iason Apostolopoulos is unjustified because -according to the provision- the first is a “paramedic shipowner who will provide his activity in support of observation and monitoring at sea” He is “an expert researcher-observer on human rights at sea in the context of the monitoring activities carried out by the Ionian Sea in the framework of the Mediterranez Saving Humans project”.
Migrants, “Between Life and Death”: New Evidence of Violence Against Refugees in Libyan Prisons
“In addition, the provision is read again, the shipment of the aforementioned subjects also contrasts strongly with the previous warnings notified.” Mediterranea’s lawyers are already working to appeal the provision that – affirms Luca Casarini, one of the founders of the Italian NGO – “is the first directed against salvage at sea. It requires that ships are not equipped to do so against everyone. the Solas, Unclos and Hamburg conventions on safety at sea “.
Since 9 June, since the resumption of rescue activities in the Ionian Sea, four warnings have already been reported. “Obviously it is a selective administrative and judicial persecution that arises from a precise political will of the government – accuses the NGO – and contains a clear and terrible message and has an equally deadly objective. The message of the government is: it is prohibited to help lives “Human beings in danger at sea, the government’s objective is to effectively hinder and prevent the presence at sea of all civil organizations. With the measures adopted today, missionary activity in the Mediterranean of the Ionian Sea is effectively blocked.”
And precisely today, the IOM gives news of a new shipwreck in the sea off Libya. At least 13 disappeared at sea and three bodies recovered. Staff from the International Organization for Migration are providing medical assistance to 22 survivors who were brought ashore by fishing boats.