Legal action of the former Speaker of the Chamber against the leader of the League for damages. “My name – he explains – associated with the crimes committed by migrants, as if I were responsible.”
In an interview with the “Corriere della Sera”, Boldrini clarifies, in relation to his name linked to the crimes of migrants: “As if I were responsible for these criminal actions.”
Salvini’s “strategy” to revive the fortunes of the League “- The DP exponent explains that the story has roots very far back in time. “Let’s start in 2013, when the League was a shattered party: it was at 4%, and Salvini decided to lash out at migrants to revive the fortunes. He also needed a political scapegoat. So he decided to target me as a political target. I had worked for 15 years at UNHCR, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Therefore, Salvini and the League invent a distorted narrative of my thinking about immigration. They argue that I wanted the invasion of immigrants, ethnic substitution, indiscriminate immigration. Then they arrive at the synthesis with a slogan that has never stopped haunting me, the resources of Boldrinian ”.
“Endless hate campaign” – “Why is it only now that the complaint is made against Salvini? -Specify-. Because the campaign never ended. It never ends. Since I stopped being the Speaker of the House in 2018, I have begun to criminalize some authors of social media posts. Unique posts, unique complaints. “The leader of the League, he continues,” had made a mountain of charges. I hoped that with the end of my institutional position I could also end the hate campaign. in the Chamber. We were discussing the immigration decree in the Chamber and a deputy, Daniele Belotti, rose from the League seats and said ‘this is a boldrinata’ explaining that it was the set of actions aimed at favoring mass immigration , especially Islamic, to eliminate the Italian identity and achieve ethnic substitution. I understood that once again they were using me as a target and at this point I said enough “.