Michele Emiliano: “Enough of insults and ridicule, Puglia has helped the North for Covid”


“We cannot accept that they make fun of people who for years and years have insulted and persecuted us in the South. Imagine if what happened in the North with Covid had happened, in those proportions, to us in the South. They would have told us instead, during the emergency, we helped the northern regions and it was something that filled our hearts. We would have done the same for anyone who needed it. This is our history, this is Puglia “.

The governor of the Puglia region, Michele Emiliano, writes on Facebook. In the post, which Emiliano writes at the end of a visit to a local company, he thanks “all those people and companies who have not stopped working during the Covid emergency for guaranteeing us essential services.”

“We know – he emphasizes – how many difficulties entrepreneurs have had to face in recent months.” “To this end – he stresses – with the Puglia region we have launched a plan of 750 million euros to help the economy recover”. “The pandemic – he concludes – has taught us that no one is saved alone. One depends on the other. And despite the difficulties, we must be united. We feel very strongly this feeling of unity ”.
