Michael Gruener, former president of Raiffeisen, and his wife die in the avalanche


Tragedy in Val Senales, in South Tyrol, where two ski climbers I am dead overwhelmed by a avalanche that broke off on Maso Corto, 2,200 meters above sea level. They are the former president of the Central Bank of South Tyrol Raiffeisen, Michael Gruener and his wife Monika Gamper. About a hundred people dedicated themselves to the investigation, hampered by the thick fog.

Avalanche in Val Senales: two mountain skiers die

The alarm was raised today, Sunday, January 3, around 1:40 p.m. Some witnesses reported having viewed the avalanche hit a group of mountain skiers. The first testimonies spoke of a couple of people who were buried by the mass of snow. The Alpine Rescue investigation has sadly confirmed the fears. In fact, two bodies of Michael Gruener, an expert mountaineer, and his wife Monika Gamper were recovered in the snow.

Bad weather slowed rescuers

The rescuers’ intervention was hampered by bad weather conditions: Rescue helicopters were unable to take off due to heavy fog obstructing visibility. Only later, when the weather cleared, did they reach the place.

The danger of avalanches in most of South Tyrol, after recent snowfalls, is high (grade 3 out of 5). For this reason, high altitude excursions were not recommended. Almost exactly one year ago, on December 28, 2019, an avalanche affected some skiers on the “Teufelsegg” slope in Val Senales, causing the death of a 25-year-old woman and her seven-year-old daughter and another seven-year-old girl. . all from Germany.
