2 minutes, 21 seconds

SITUATION – Eliminate the effects of cold front Christmas, in Lombardy on the day of Saint Stephen happens in good weather thanks to a rapid recovery from high pressure. THE daytime heat (it’s almost 10 ° C in Milan and 9 ° C in Bergamo) overnight will leave room for a real drop in temperatures and extensive frosts throughout the Po Valley due to the combined effect of the calm wind and the starry sky. However, it will only be a short-lived break: starting Sunday night, in fact, a new intense Atlantic disturbance It will target Italy from the Northwest, laying the foundations of return from the snow to the plains.
SUNDAY OF TIME – After a stiff, stable and still sunny start to the day, except for schools of fog it’s possible galaverna at Lodigiano and Cremonese, the high pressure will show the first major signs of subsidence under the pressure of the humid currents from the southwest, harbingers of a rapid increase in the layer of high and stratiform clouds. In the afternoon, the disturbance outpost will reach Lombardy, bringing the first weak snowfalls to flat altitudes. starting from the western provinces.

WEATHER MONDAY – The snowfalls will become more and more extensive and intense between the night and the first part of the day, at the height of the wave of bad weather, until it reaches the character of counter or real storm. Lombardy will wake up wrapped in white from the Alps to the plains: in the presence of temperatures widely between 0 and -1 ° C, we expect snow accumulations on the ground up to 10-15 cm a Milan, 20-25 cm a Varese, Bergamo me Sondrio, 15-20 cm a Pavia me 12-15 cm a I gave it; possible snow sometimes wet and / or mixed with rain between Bresciano, Mantovano and Cremonese with more contained contributions to the soil due to greater exposure to the soft and humid memory of the southern quadrants. Heavy snowfall is expected in the Alps, with special reference to Bergamo Orobie. In the second part of the day there is a tendency to transform snow into rain in all the eastern plains and to gradually attenuate the phenomena from the west.
TREND FOR TUESDAY – Variability at the beginning of the day with fog banks on the plain and widespread frost. More extensive and compact cloudiness in the second part of the day with the possibility of new scattered showers, more frequent in the eastern provinces and close to the Alps and Pre-Alps. He waited new snowfall of more than 200-300 meters in the provinces of Bergamo, Sondrio and Brescia, rare or completely absent phenomena in Milanese, Pavese and Varesotto.
More details and forecasts constantly updated in the section LOMBARDY CLIMATE.