Message from Prime Minister Conte “Italy restarts only if the school is restarted”


The message is inserted in the video on the occasion of the Bologna Restart Italy event. “We are in crucial days – said the Premier – in these first weeks the school year has resumed in an orderly manner, complying with the regulations, a symbol, we could say, of an Italy that gets up and works again.”

“At the same time, however … Conte continued – in schools, universities and research, our country cannot be satisfied with the pre-pandemic situation“.

We remind you that as of Monday, September 28, schools will have a new function in the SIDI Portal for weekly collection of data related to possible infections and the consequent preventive and organizational measures adopted by each school.

The ISS and the Ministry of Health agree that the next few days will be decisive in understanding whether the measures adopted will be able to maintain the expected safety standards.

At the moment, some 400 cases have been verified, with the consequent closure of face-to-face lessons for some classes and the start of distance education.
