From left to right, Api President Luigi Sabadini, Dr. Stefania Magni de Allum,
the director of Api Marco Piazza and professor Pasquale Vito in video
A simple and brilliant idea.
Use a common pregnancy test and, on the same principle, measure possible positivity not so much at the arrival of a child as at coronavirus infection. This is what he has developedAllum of Merate based in via Campi, specialized in the field of lighting, which in the period of the confinement was looking for a solution to sanitize environments using biosensors and technologies that would allow detecting the presence of the virus and then proceed with cleaning. Since the project was proving expensive and time consuming to complete, the company decided to go elsewhere and after a series of investigations came into contact with Pasquale Vito, professor of genetics at the University of Benevento.
Allum’s owner Dr. Stefania Magni
The empathy that was immediately established and the professionalism they met made it possible to develop this “daily test” for the detection of covid, through the use of particular reagents. Once the saliva sample is collected, the “pen” analyzes it: two strips of infected person, one strip of negative subject. The ease and speed of administration of this exam would allow its use in various situations where the time factor is precisely determined, such as entering school. A simple and economical solution, therefore, to repeat even daily and with a very high degree of reliability in important viral loads and therefore especially dangerous, as explained by both the professor Pasquale Vito that by the owner of the company Stefania magni. the Daily buffer It cannot replace the safe diagnosis of covid made in the hospital, but it certainly offers an important and reliable first answer.
President Luigi Sabadini
As API Lecco president Luigi Sabadini, to whom the company is affiliated, wished, the hope is that the production can remain in Italy as well as its impact on the community. It will still take some time to have an accurate understanding of costs and the production chain, but Dr. Magni reiterated that it is only a matter of a few weeks and then once all the aspects are clarified and determined, we can start with this pilot project that talks Get out. .
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