Giorgia Meloni proposed a motion of censure against Giuseppe Conte, but did not find the favor of the allies. In particular of Matteo salvini, with the League not only considering it a false move, it could even play in the prime minister’s favor. At the same wavelength there are Augusto Minzolini, who on Twitter commented on the rumors about the leader of the Brothers of Italy and former Minister of the Interior: “I read that Salvini is angry with Meloni’s proposal. “It’s a favor for Conte,” he says. And he is right. There would be the risk of regrouping the majority. The prime minister, on the other hand, has to deal with his own without receiving help from the opposition ”. So, the Fdi’s attempt to track down Matteo Renzi could fail at the root, and Minzolini explained well why: “Conte can only fall because of the contradictions of his majority”, so it only remains to wait for the situation within the government to explode. . .
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