Do not smile at Giorgia Meloni me Matteo renzi l ‘latest political poll by Swg, released on November 23 by Tg La7. But if for Fratelli d’Italia we can speak of a setback after a period of extraordinary growth, for Italy Long Live seems to be another alarm bell.
In fact, according to the survey, the Renzians would be the only ones not to register a positive sign among the government ranks, where the jumps of the Democratic party He was born in 5 star movement.
The PD in particular would now be three percentage points from League, with Matteo salvini that in any case it would grow again, like Go Italy, all at the expense of Brothers from Italy.
All while the second wave of the coronavirus continues to haunt the country, with the government also struggling with the budget law and the next one. DPCM December 3 where we will go to legislate on what Christmas will be like for Italians in a time of pandemic.

Political polls: ok Lega and PD
The type of internal challenge to the center-right continues between Matteo salvini me Giorgia MeloniWhich has a special flavor after bringing Silvio Berlusconi closer to the majority and rumors about a possible tear of the former prime minister could decide to leave the two old allies.
A move by the leader of the Azzurri that, as can be seen inlatest political poll by Swg, I’d be pushing forward Go Italy that, however, it would still be greatly resized compared to the glories of years past.
This week would be League to remove votes to Brothers from Italy, with the Carroccio that despite the positive signal would be approached by a Democratic party that in the last seven days he would take a great leap.
Growing too The left of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, with also the 5 star movement which would be showing signs of recovery just at the time when, after the General States, an attempt is made to provide the new internal regulations.
It would seem to continue your good time Carlo Calenda, now steadily beyond the 3% threshold and increasingly thrown into his candidacy for mayor of Rome in local elections next spring.
Action he would have already disconnected Italy Long Live, with Matteo renzi According to the survey, this would once again fall below the 3% bar which, if the new electoral law is approved, would rise to 5%.
An eventuality that would make a solo career practically impossible for + Europe me It gave, despite the positive sign that the latter testifies, while for Bonino it is now clear that the future must be in alliance with Calenda.