Two days after the speech of Matteo renzi Alabama Senate, discussions between Leader of the majority in a “relaunch” of government action. Between verification hypothesis, rearrange and word “crisis” evoked, with different nuances, from many sides, the forces that support the executive Giuseppe Conte are positioned. And if on Saturday Renzi speaks again of “numbers that exist” for a new government, ‘backed’ by Matteo salvini who said he was “happy” if a “more serious team” appeared before going to the elections “after Covid”, today it is Nicola’s turn Gypsies and Vito Crimes, in addition to Giorgia Meloni.
The clearest is the leader of Brothers from Italy that rejects a government of “broad understandings”, in which the League seemed to open up. “Are quite shocked. It’s a bad time to pay tactic exasperated or fleeing forward, “he warned in Corriere della Sera referring to Salvini’s words. “I am interested in understanding if Salvini really considers it possible in this legislature to return with the Five Stars or to govern with the Democratic Party or if, like me, he has horizon possible: go vote with center right. This is the only thing that matters – he added – and with what I count that we will end the misunderstandingsThen the warning: “If a new government is born, today it lasts three years, but a bridge. It seems a bit anomalous to me that, on the same day that the center-right leaders we sat at a table to coordinate positions, without warning, first let’s open a government in which the hypothesis of the signing of a new agreement with Pd or M5s is taken into consideration with the aim of eliminating Conte and, at the same time, an interview with the Count himself is announced ”. Salvini’s initiative to expand the center right even to the smallest and the hypothesis that from now on a most“It is certainly a positive development, but I repeat – said Meloni – I did not like that some of them, even after the agreement, did not vote our joint motion on the ESM. The table is a good thing – he concluded – but you have to show that they want to be together in fact. Then about the majority vote I do not know what is meant, but it is clear that not all have the same weight.
Zingaretti also rejects the idea of a reorganization or expansion. The government needs a “Relaunch”, explains in an interview with The Corriere della Sera in which he says no to a crisis in the dark. The end of this executive, he warns, would be “A dangerous adventure”. “Today we are in one new stage: emergency it is necessary to go to reconstruction. To do this we need a relaunch, a restart. We must not hide it, this the need is felt by all. From the Democratic Party, from the 5 Stars, from Italia Viva, from Leu and, I am convinced, also from President Conte ”, declares Zingaretti. “Try to improve the action of the Conte government, in which we believed and we keep believing, it is not a mine placed under the stability of the political framework, but it is the very condition to move forward ”. As for Italia Viva, he attacks: “We will not accept any instrumental use of the problems that exist to pursue destructive projects “.
As for a reorganization, “in full emergency and with the poisoned tails from the contagion of COVID-19, the question of structures, organization charts and power balance. We don’t care about any of this. We only care that the coalition lives up to the standards challenges that today are becoming more and more difficult ”, emphasizes Zingaretti. It is, explains the political leader of the M5. Vito Crimi, of the “same that we want to say”. In other words: “Zingaretti is not talking about reorganization or names, but about things to do. Zingaretti affirms things that we share. It is necessary to make people perceive that the government is working and therefore, instead of focusing on fights of the governance of the Recovery Fund, we close the plan as soon as possible and say how many there are means and how we will spend it, “said a Sky Tg24.