
Elisa calessi
What to say? But fuck you, you and your lies. “It could be one of the many trolls that run through the network. A hater, a hater, as they say now. The one who, in short, has it, rightly or wrongly, with the Democratic party and expresses his resentment through social media. Hatred, bad words, insults are the daily bread in the mare magnum of the web. If so, it doesn’t matter. All parties, political leaders, parliamentarians know it and they make fun of us. The problem, hence the shame and anger at the Nazarene, is that to write these words, yesterday, the day after the leadership of the Democratic Party that sanctioned the option to vote yes in the referendum for the reduction of parliamentarians, it was Roberto Saviano, the author of Gomorrah, the most beloved intellectual on the left, an icon. So much so that his name returns periodically when searching for a Messiah. Even if, until now, Saviano has always refused any political courtship. However, he never gave up on giving his opinion. And yesterday it did. With a virulence, with a harshness, that left astonished bit everyone.

“And that is why, in the confirmatory referendum on September 20, the Democratic Party will vote in favor. Secretary Nicola Zingaretti decided (rare circumstance … it will probably rain today) », are the opening words of his Facebook post. “A dry communication, to indicate the political line on an issue that does not seem important in itself, but that seems fundamental for the” survival of the government “”. Saviano attacks directly Gypsies: «What a secretary of decisions! What dry determination! Not like the political ramblings she devoted to those who pointed out that her party did not blink when it came to renewing the agreements with the Libyan torturers against the decisions of the National Assembly of the Democratic Party. But it is understandable: political survival is worth much more than that of human beings that we do not even know, since the Libyan concentration camps hide them from our sight.
And again: “Once there was talk of cultural hegemony, today we are in the era of the hegemony of the superficial, that terrain on which semi-literacy and semi-coltism they dispute raising so much dust. In all fairness, this referendum on which the fate of the government, the country and perhaps the entire world seems to depend, is nothing more than the definitive affirmation of a simple principle: politics deals with the inessential, since it needs to evade the difficulty. and complexity. “And he also has some for the prime minister, Giuseppe Conte:” We are living in an uncomfortable time, well symbolized by the mediocre empty of the head of this government, another subject attentive only to his own political survival and tasteless like Tuscan bread, which nevertheless is nutritious and enhances strong flavors. What can we say to these professional survivors whose sole objective is to always be there, in any case and at any cost? “But fuck off, you and your lies.” Quote from Max gazzè and of Fable of Adam and Eve. Survival, opportunism.
They are insults that burn. From the Democratic Party, few and rare comments. No one expected such an attack. But in the Nazarene it was decided not to respond. Why respond in rhymes to Saviano, you can’t. It would be a boomerang. Only two have responded. “I respect Saviano as an intellectual and as a writer, and I am deeply convinced that everyone can express themselves freely, but now we are exaggerating. What lies are you talking about? He does his thing that certainly, as always, we do and we will do our thing ”, commented the senator to the Adnkronos. Bruno astorre, regional secretary of Pd Lazio. The other voice that has decided to speak is that of Stefano Ceccanti, deputy and constitutionalist, leader of the Democratic Party in the Constitutional Affairs Commission and supporter of the yes to the referendum. “The Democratic Party does not vote yes to keep the government alive because the stability of the government is not in doubt anyway. Vote yes for a first reform that is also open to others, because the institutions of this country They need to be updated to be really useful for the country. Be part of the solution and not the problem.