Medical certificate back to school and Covid: the rules and the alarm of pediatricians


In three days back to school, parents and teachers review the rules of behavior by heart and cross their fingers that everything goes well. Pediatricians also play a critical role in the success of the company. “The reopening of schools is a challenge that we can only overcome if everyone does their part, without denying their responsibilities, starting with parents who must teach their children good hygiene and safety practices (mask, distance, hand washing) and take your body temperature every morning before you leave home – says Giuseppe Di Mauro, president of the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics (Sipps) -. The first day of classes (14 or 24 depending on the region, ed) you will not need certificates of any kind, although we know of private institutes that require them. For any doubt or clarification we should consult the guidelines published on August 21 (read the full text – pdf), “Operational guidelines for the management of cases and outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 in schools and early childhood education services”.

Isolate the group from the class

The concern is not lacking, even after the news of a nursery in Crema, where a positive suspicion has meant the quarantine for the entire class. Let’s summarize the rules: if the child has a temperature over 37.5 ° he should stay at home, the same if he has symptoms such as a cold, cough, headache, loss of taste / smell, diarrhea (attributable to Covid). Parents contact the family pediatrician, who will likely request a tampon from ASL. Results generally arrive after 24 to 48 hours. In case of negativity, the child, once cured, returns to school; otherwise, the anti-Covid protocol kicks in with contact tracking. In schools, however, an attempt is made to isolate the group from the class by avoiding contact with the outside, in order to limit any small outbreak.

The pediatrician’s certificate

“It is essential that everyone does their part or the risk of social discontent will be enormous: if schools close, the whole system jumps – continues Di Mauro -. For this reason, the focus is on the teacher-parent-doctor alliance to immediately identify any positives and stop the outbreak before it spreads. We hope, as promised by the Government, that from the 14th onwards most of the available tampons (around 80%) will be reserved for schools. The luck is that children are less infected than adults and usually have few symptoms (but they still have them and are almost always recognizable). If the absence lasts more than 3 days in kindergartens and nurseries (or more than 5 days from elementary school), a certificate from the pediatrician on the child’s health status will be required for the return, which excludes the presence of Covid . This is an important point: most likely, pediatricians will issue the certificate only with a negative swab. That said, I’m optimistic: we can do it, it’s about learning to live with the virus without scaremongering.

The tampon chaos

However, not all pediatricians believe this. “In a month or so in Italian schools there will be chaos due to tampons – said the president of the Italian Federation of Pediatricians (Fimp), Paolo Biasci -. Classes will be emptied by both the number of infected and suspects. The procedure is clear: the doctor requests a swab from the Prevention Department (Asl), the request is received and takes over, at which point the father is called for an appointment, the swab is performed and then you have to wait for the response . If there are many requests for tampons, the child can stay home for a week or 10 days. Perhaps, in the meantime, the cold has passed, but we still have to wait.

Suspicious symptoms

In the list of suspicious symptoms of the Higher Institute of Health are: cough, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pharyngodynia (pain in the pharynx), dyspnea, myalgia, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion (in young children); in the major chills, cough, shortness of breath, loss or decrease of smell, loss or alteration of taste, runny nose, nasal congestion, pharyngodynia, diarrhea. Therefore, common and typically seasonal disturbances could automatically lead to a possible Covid. With the consequence that in case of absences greater than 3/5 days, the pediatrician can write the recovery certificate only after a negative swab.

September 10, 2020 (change September 10, 2020 | 17:17)

