Five days after the last Giuseppe Conte signed the eleventh Dpcm about the epidemic of coronavirus. The Parliament remains on the sidelines of the prime minister, who exploits (very badly) the “full powers” for the health emergency: the new measures do not seem sufficient to respond to the curve of infections and hospitalizations that is growing exponentially. Annalisa chirico joined the chorus of those who criticize the work of the government and especially the modus operandi of the prime minister: “In perfect Conde style: media fanfare, pathos, wait … and in the end the eleventh Dpcm that essentially does not close anything but delegates the curfew to the mayors. It is highly recommended to take the time to increase tampons, tracking, public transport and intensive care ”. The journalist from Paper Then he appealed to seriousness and added another consideration during the live broadcast of Agora in Rai 3: “Citizen morale is also important for a country’s recovery. These announced, postponed press conferences, this continuing climate of emergency … put one state of anxiety and stress. All this does not help, it makes you feel bad ”.