ROME The hypothesis of an exception to the reopening of the schools the 14th for the Municipalities of Lazio, even if the government ensures that the recovery roadmap is confirmed. So much so that today Giuseppe Conte himself will confirm the program, which has called a press conference together with the ministers Azzolina, Speranza and Boccia. “It is right for everyone to go back to class – said the Director of Education – The government is compensating for a delay of about 20 years caused by those who previously administered the school. But now we need to reopen to restore normalcy to families and hope to the country. Although, it must be said, there is no zero risk.
School, today Count and ministers live on TV
The problems will be solved little by little. Starting with individual banks, whose distribution will be announced by the minister at the end of October. “2.4 million will arrive. And then, during the year, students will also be randomly tested, to try to minimize the risk. There are serological tests for school personnel, many are doing them.
It will probably be a blood test, as he indicated, even if the technical scientific committee he appointed had suggested in a document sent to the government in July, saliva tests, because they are less invasive.
These, at least, intentions, despite resistance from many sides regarding Monday’s reopening, are strong. So much so that the Campania Region has decided to move independently and postpone the elections until later, while the Lazio Region has formalized the date of 14 – and no one has doubted it. But he left a wide margin of openness to the mayors, in case some school did not accommodate him to the times. Yesterday, during a meeting that took place between professionals – from the vice president of the Lazio Region, Daniele Leodori, to the president of Anci Lazio, Riccardo Varone – all the hot topics were put on the table by a hundred mayors: desertions among teachers, problems related to the double sanitation necessary to reopen before and after the elections, lack of masks, unknown single desks and transportation. A long series of questions that led the municipalities to conclude that the date of September 24 would be the best. But the Lazio Region reiterated that it is not possible, even if – he added – mayors, together with local educational institutions, will be able to resort to the instrument of the ordinance in case of serious difficulties, thus postponing the start of the school year.
Covid, positive student at the American Overseas school in Rome: teachers and students in quarantine
New case of Coronavirus in an international school in Rome. After the episode that occurred last week at the Marymount, Covid enters the classrooms of another prestigious private institution: the American Overseas school in Rome at the Cassia. A high school student tested positive.
The funds, meanwhile, will be guaranteed, and the mayors confirm this as well. Starting with about a thousand euros that will be given for double sanitation: two will be borne by the Government, the other two by the City Councils. Then it was suggested to postpone the start of the canteen service to have greater control and awareness of the difficulties. “The school is the true test of this emergency linked to Covid – underlined Cristina Giachi, deputy mayor of Florence, delegate of the school for the Anci – The weak link is the previous situation. We are also awaiting funding for tensioned structures and modular structures in the event of a lack of classrooms. There will be about 7 million, but there is no list yet. This first week will be an important test. Riccardo Varone, president of Anci Lazio, sent his colleagues “to use the instrument of the ordinance to postpone the start of the school year, only in cases of real need. “An avalanche of measures in this regard – he explained – would provoke a series of criticalities in all the territories of the region, especially in those municipalities that have school complexes within them that also serve neighboring municipalities.”
Meanwhile, the schools that have already reopened begin to deal with infections: a suspicion in the maternal Sagrada Familia of Cremona, ended up in isolation, awaiting the final response of the hyssop, 23 children, a teacher and a school worker. . And the same thing happened to an educator at the Montebelluna municipal nursery (Treviso), who also tested positive.
Last updated: 07:35